Chapter 4: A Massive Change

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(The Next Day)


When I wake up I see that I'm on the floor which was really weird.

I then get up and grab my glasses and put them on but my I couldn't see out of them.

I take them on and off a few times and then I put them on my dresser.

Y/N: Weird.

I then turn around to get dressed but I see in the mirror that I had abs and muscles.

Y/N: Whoa.

I flex a few times.

Then I get dressed and I go into the kitchen and I'm startled when I see Cole sitting there.

Y/N: Jeez man. What are you doing here?

Cole: You didn't answer your phone. Man where were you last night?

Y/N: I was...I wasn't feeling well.

Cole: Dude...they left early because you didn't show up.

Y/N: Sorry. Look, I gotta get to work. So, I'll call you later.

Cole then gets up and goes to the door.

Cole: Yo, I don't know what it is but you have this glow about you today.

Y/N: Thanks, I actually feel really good today.

Cole nods and then he leaves my apartment.

Then I go over to the counter and grab the coffee pot and pour myself a cup.

Then I go to put it down but I notice that the coffee pot is sticking to my hand.

I then try taking it off but the coffee pot breaks and falls on the ground.

Y/N: Weird.

After drinking a cup of coffee, I then decide it's time to go to work.

(Two Hours Later)

So I'm now at work and I am sitting at my desk.

I am tapping my pencil on the desk as it's just been a boring day of work.

I also couldn't stop thinking about what happened with my coffee pot.

As I'm walking I see Olivia walk by with a box of equipment, then suddenly I started getting this tingle in my head.

I then see Olivia slip on the mopped floor and I spin around and catch her and I also catch her box of equipment.

Olivia: Wow, I'm very impressed Mr. L/N. Great reflexes.

Y/N: It's uh it was nothing.

Olivia: Well we should both get back to work.

Y/N: Right.

Then Olivia walks away and I sit back down in shock at what just happened.

(Several Hours Later)

So, after several hours of work I'm now at my apartment building.

I still couldn't believe what happened with Olivia and how I caught her and her equipment.

As I walk up the stairs to get to my apartment I hear Greg yelling at Ben.

I make it up the stairs and continue to listen to Greg yell at Ben but finally I turn around and decide to say something.

Y/N: Leave him alone man.

He turns around and faces me.

Greg: What'd you just say?

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