Chapter 39: Teaching Miles

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(Four Days Later)


So in the past four days a few things have happened.

First I found out Li's plan is to take out mayor Osborn with something called devil's breathe, but I did find evidence so now the police are looking for him.

Sable international, showed up and are gonna be helping with the search.

MJ and I also found out that the man who created devil's breath Dr. Michaels is being moved by Sable later on today.

Another thing is Felicia actually turned back up in New York, only I haven't actually found her yet though.

I am wondering exactly why she's come back. I do know that whatever it is can't be good though I did wish she would at least talk to me. The last we spoke was tense.

Another thing I discovered is Dr. Octavius has a condition that affects his motor functions.

I did help out Miles as I got him a job at F.E.A.S.T helping mom. I'm now going to meet him there now as I told his mother I'd be there for him on his first day.

As I'm swinging I see Miles getting cornered by a couple of thugs.

I land on the roof and web one of them up and knock him out and then I do the same thing to the other one.

Y/N: Does it really take this many guys to rob a teenager?

After I take down the rest of the thugs I go over to help Miles up.

Y/N: Hey, you hurt?

His eyes widen as I help him up.

Miles: You're Spider-Man! You're the Ultimate Spider-Man, You're the Spectacular Spider-Man, the Amazing Spider-Man...

I chuckle.

Y/N: And a few other adjectives Jameson uses. Hey, that was really brave but next time leave the fighting to the pros.

Miles: But what if there aren't any around?

Y/N: Well, you can't just go swinging at a someone twice your size. I mean don't get me wrong, I fight guys stronger than me all the time, but when I do it...

Miles: Just like the time You and Iron-Man fought the Rhino on Brooklyn Bridge. That was so awesome!

Y/N: Perfect example. If the other guy's bigger, you gotta be quicker, okay?

I start to walk away.

Miles: That's.... That's easy for you to say! Sorry but I can't just do what you do.

I turn back around.

Y/N: Alright, put 'em up.

Miles: Seriously?

Y/N: Yeah come on.

He puts his hands up.

Y/N: Firstly, don't let the adrenaline get to you. Breath slow, breath deep, relax. Hips square to your opponent and let them make the first move. Now use your feet and when they go off balance look for an opening. Boom.

Miles then takes a practice swing at my hand.

Y/N: Yeah. That's it. Now this time just let me have it, right on the jaw...

Before I could finish Miles punches me in the face, and I stumble back.

Miles: Oh shit! Sorry.

Y/N: No, no. It's all good. You keep that up and you'll be fine. Lessons over I gotta go.

Miles: Hey, thanks for the lesson.

I point at him.

Y/N: Anytime.

I then web swing away.

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

I make it to F.E.A.S.T. and after talking to a few of the residents I finally see Miles walk in.

I go over to him.

Y/N: Hey Miles.

Miles: Hey Y/N. Sorry I'm late man.

Y/N: Aw, no, no. I'm just glad your here.

Miles: All right, So what can I do to help?

Y/N: Uh... Why don't you start just by getting comfortable with the place? Meet a few people. You know what.

I go over to the table where the coffee pot was.

Y/N: Everybody loves coffee.

Miles: All right.

Y/N: Okay, I gotta go for a bit. And I'll be back to check on you later.

I see Miles get uncomfortable.

Y/N: Hey, don't worry about Mr. Hodges. He doesn't bite. Much.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

After leaving for a half hour, I return to check on Miles, and as I'm walking in I hear Ernie make a comment about Jeff.

I walk over and touch Miles's shoulder.

Y/N: Hey Ernie. I see you've met Miles. He's gonna be helping out around here. You've probably heard of his father. Jefferson Davis. Pretty great that even though he's got a lot of stuff going on right now, he decided to come and volunteer. Don't you think?

Ernie: Uh, yeah, yeah. Thanks.

Ernie stands up.

Ernie: Listen kid, I'm sorry about your dad.

Y/N: Come on Miles. Let's see if my mom needs help in the kitchen.

Miles and I then walk into the kitchen where mom is at.

Y/N: Hey mom. I gotta take off but...I brought some help for you.

Anne: Hello, Miles. It's nice to see you. Grab an apron, wash your hands and I'll show you around.

Y/N: All right, so she will help you out and also Angel is uh...

I look around until I see her.

Y/N: That's Angel.

Angel look at me.

Angel: Hi, Y/N!

Y/N: Hi Angel.

I look at Miles.

Y/N: She talks a lot but she's nice you need anything just ask her or my mom.

Anne: Okay, okay. I can take it from here.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Okay, I'll talk to you later.

I then start to walk away.

Miles: Hey Y/N.

I turn to Miles.

Miles: Thanks for that back there.

Y/N: Of course.

I then leave the kitchen.

Y/N: It's almost noon. Sable will be moving Dr. Michaels soon. Better get to the Bowery and locate him.

I then head outside and get into my suit up and make my way to the Bowery so I can help with Dr. Michaels.

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