Chapter 64: Helping Hand

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(Queens, New York, July 2015, Y/N's Age: 23)


So Miles and I are now swinging through the city helping and taking care of criminals.

The two of us then land on a rooftop.

Miles: So what now, Y/N? It just seems quiet today.

Y/N: Hmm. Your right about that. Maybe we....

Before I can finish we see an explosion happen in the distance.

Miles and I look at each other.

Y/N: Let's go.

Miles and I dive off the rooftop and head towards the explosion.

Once we make it there, we see MJ in her suit and she takes down shocker.

After she takes down shocker she web swings away.

I then see a family trapped inside the building, so I web swing inside and save them.

Once I get them out of the building I see MJ land on a roof.

Miles and I then land down on the same roof and I take off my mask.

Y/N: What the hell are you doing?

Mary Jane: Helping you.

Y/N: Me and Miles got this. You shouldn't be out here MJ. You could get seriously hurt.

Mary Jane: Oh come on. It's not a big deal.

Y/N: Oh no? What about the family you failed to save?

Mary Jane: What?

I grab her arm and lead her over to the edge of the roof and point down to the family at the ambulance.

Mary Jane: Oh well I would've saved them.

Y/N: Really? Before or after you left?

Mary Jane: Your making a big deal out of nothing Y/N.

She starts to walk away but I walk over and grab her arm and turn her around.

Y/N: This is not a big deal, MJ. This is serious.

Mary Jane: It's not that serious.

Y/N: Oh it's not? That family down there could have died if I wasn't here. You don't look at the mission clearly. You think being a hero is just about taking down the bad guy.

Mary Jane: That is not true and you know it.

Y/N: Being a superhero is more than just putting on a suit, giving yourself a cringy Codename and taking down the bad guy. And you don't see that.

Mary Jane: That's because you won't teach me. You said it yourself that you won't train me.

Y/N: Because you shouldn't be out here.

MJ takes her mask off.

Mary Jane: You've trained Miles. He's out here with you everyday.

Y/N: That's different and you know it.

Mary Jane: Is it? He's fourteen.

Y/N: He actually has spider powers.

Mary Jane: He's still a child.

I sigh.

Y/N: Your putting yourself in danger every time you come out here.

Mary Jane: Oh yeah? Just like you put Barry and Felicia in danger when you revealed your identity three months ago?

I'm shocked by this and I step back.

Mary Jane: I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.

Y/N: No, no. It's fine. You did mean it. And I knew the risk of revealing my identity at the time. I know what I have to lose. And that's the reality I have every time I put this suit on. But MJ, I gave you the suit for emergencies only and you've abused that since I gave the suit too you.

Mary Jane: You act like I'm doing something you've never done before.

Miles: Could I say something?

The two of us turn and look at Miles.

Mary Jane & Y/N: No!

MJ looks at me.

Mary Jane: Look, Y/N. You told me you gave me the suit so I didn't feel like I needed to be saved, but I wanna be the one to do the saving. And I have been. And I can.

Y/N: But you don't know what you're doing.

Mary Jane: Then teach me.

Y/N: Your not thinking clearly.

I then walk over to the edge as I drop down to the ground and start to walk but MJ lands down in front of me.

Mary Jane: Why are you so against this?

Y/N: Because your not a superhero.

Mary Jane: You can teach me to be one. Please, Y/N.

Y/N: Go home, MJ.

I put my mask on.

Y/N: Miles!

Miles drops down next to me.

Miles: Yes?

Y/N: Let's go.

Miles: Gotcha.

Miles and I then web swing away.

(Several Hours Later)

So I'm now back at home after a long day of patrolling and I see Barry and Felicia sleeping on the couch.

I smile as I walk over and give Felicia a kiss on the forehead and then I cover them up with a blanket.

I then turn the tv off.

After this I go into the kitchen and cook some left over pizza.

Then I sit down and start eating, as I'm eating I watch a funny video on YouTube.

After watching YouTube, I then finish my pizza and I bring it over to the sink and wash my plate.

Then my spider sense goes up as I look forward and I feel a sting in my neck.

I then pull what looks like a needle out of my neck and I get dizzy.

Y/N: Whoa.

I stumble to the counter as my vision starts to get blurry.

I then drop to the ground as I see someone standing over me as I black out.

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