Chapter 41: Into The Fire

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After Yuri calls me and tells me that Rhino and Electro are attacking police Precincts, I go and deal with Rhino.

After I do this I go help the Upper West Precinct and then I go deal with Electro and then I get a call from MJ.

Mary Jane: Y/N, Thank god! we need you at the veteran's center. Where are you? The convicts started a fire! We got the building staff out but Anne and Miles are trapped inside. I'm trying to find a way in to them but the fires spreading fast. So fast.

Y/N: Stay where you are, MJ. I'll handle this.

She then hangs up.

Y/N: Come on, damn it. Move it Y/N move!

After swinging for a few more minutes I land on the roof of the apartment complex that Miles and mom are trapped in.

MJ then calls me again.

Mary Jane: Y/N! Fire and rescue is on the way, and I've found a fire escape that'll get me...

Y/N: MJ Stay back. I don't want to have to rescue you too.

Mary Jane: Y/N, don't be crazy. Wait for help...

Before she could finish I hang up.

I then jump down and swing into the building.

Once I make it inside I call out.

Y/N: Mom! Mom!

I then hear Miles' voice.

Miles: Help!

I go towards his voice and I see him and mom below me on floor that was gonna go out.

I shoot my webs out to hold the floor up.

Y/N: Hang on! Get to the window!

Miles: It's too far!

Y/N: Hold on!

Third person prospective

As Y/N is holding the floor up Mary Jane gets into the building and pushes a big piece of wood down so Anne and Miles could walk across.

Mary Jane gets Anne out and goes back for Miles.

Mary Jane: Miles!

Miles manages to jump across just as the floor gives out.

Y/N gets hit by flooring from above him, and this sends him falling down.

Mary Jane and Miles see him fall.

Mary Jane: No!

Y/N shoots a web out to save himself and the web gets grabbed by Miles.

Then both he and Mary Jane pull Y/N back up then get him to his feet and get him out.

(Ten Minutes Later)


So I'm now sitting on a rooftop recovering from what just happened.

MJ then sits down next to me.

Y/N: Is my mom okay?

Mary Jane: Everyone's safe.

Y/N: MJ, if it wasn't for you and Miles. I would be...

Mary Jane: As dead as I would have been the last eight hundred million times you've saved me. I think I still owe you a few.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Yeah, maybe.

MJ then looks at me.

Mary Jane: I'm sorry I screwed things up. It's just hard being the one who always gets saved, you know? Sometimes I wanna do the saving.

Y/N: Sorry I made you feel like you couldn't. Still partners?

Mary Jane: Always.

Before we could continue Miles comes up and hands me a bottle of water.

Miles: Am I interrupting?

Y/N: No MJ...Miss. Watson and I were just talking strategy.

Miles: Strategy?

Mary Jane: That's right. The city is in danger. It needs our help.

Y/N: All of our help.

Miles: Okay, well call the play coach.

I stand up.

Y/N: Well, divide and conquer.

I look at MJ.

Y/N: Ms. Watson, we need an antiserum for devil's breath. Oscorp is developing something. but we need to find the cure and protect it from Li and Octavius.

Mary Jane: I'll chase down some leads.

I nod then look to Miles.

Y/N: Miles, I need you to be my eyes and ears at F.E.A.S.T. Anything goes wrong, call me. We need to keep that place and the people there safe.

Miles: Okay, what are you gonna do?

Y/N: A gang of costume nut jobs are tearing the city apart. It's time I returned the favour.

Miles: Wait hold on. How do I call you? Do you have a phone in your pockets or something?

Y/N: Ms. Watson can give you my number. Okay, good luck team.

I turn around and swing off to find Otto and the members of his Sinister Six.

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