Chapter 107: Spider-Man Vs. Venom

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Once I arrive back at the compound I walk inside and see everyone.

Mary Jane: Y/N, are you okay?

I look around as I feel something is wrong.

Y/N: I don't....Somethings wrong.

Steve: What do you mean?

I look around and don't see Felicia.

Y/N: Where's Felicia?

Tony: She went to check on Barry.

I immediately run out of the room and go into the conference room and see Felicia isn't there.

Y/N: No!

I run out and look for her and I run outside and see Venom holding Felicia.

Y/N: Cole don't. Please, please I'm begging you.

Venoms mask uncovers Cole's face.

Cole: Your gonna realize that everything you touch. Dies.

I then run after him but Venom jumps up and web swings away with Felicia over his shoulders.

Y/N: No!!!!

I turn around as everyone comes running outside.

Natasha: He took her?

Y/N: Yeah, Mj, Miles and Evander let's go. The rest of you I know that I did things I can't take back but...

Steve: We're with you, Y/N.

Wanda: Yeah, who cares what you did. It wasn't you.

Tony: Yeah, we got you.

Steve: We'll take the quinjet.

Everyone then leaves while Mj, Miles and Evander come over to me.

Y/N: Web Warriors, it's time.

Evander: Where's he going?

Then we all start web swinging.

(Ten Minutes Later)

After about ten minutes we see a chopper and police officers at Queens Plaza park.

We land on the ground.

Y/N: The tallest building in Queens.

Mary Jane: We got this, right?

Evander: Of course we do.

Miles: Yeah, what's the plan Y/N?

Y/N: No matter what we have to get Cole out of the symbiote.

Miles: Good plan.

The three of us then run and start running up the building.

Once we make it to the top I see Felicia chained to a tower.

Venom: Don't you see, Y/N? Felicia doesn't care, she doesn't love you, and I'm gonna take her out. Everyone last one of them. And once they're gone I'll take you out. You will suffer.

Y/N: Cole, the symbiote is messing with your mind. Just like it did to me.

The mask uncovers Coles face as he steps closer.

Cole: Oh no, Y/N. See it messed you up because you were weak and selfish. Took it for granted. You didn't use it like you should've. But I will.

Mary Jane: It's not to late to take it off, Cole.

Cole looks at MJ.

Cole: Yes. Yes it is.

Y/N: Please, Cole. I know the power of the suit, it makes you feel in control, like your on top of the world. But Cole, it tricks you, it makes you feel that way but it's a lie.

Cole: No! It's power. I have power and the whole world will see it. You will see Y/N.

Y/N: No. Cole. I can't be a hypocrite because I didn't wanna take it off either, I craved the symbiote but I also realized that what's the point of the power without the people I care about?

Cole: We don't need anybody not anymore.

Y/N: You're done.

I run at Cole as his mask covers his face.

He snarls and jumps at me as the two of us start fighting.

Then the other web warriors jump in but Venom easily takes us down.

Mary Jane: He's strong, Y/N.

Y/N: I know.

Venom: We thought that by killing you, Y/N. That it'd satisfy us but anymore, first you need to suffer. That's why we are gonna everyone you love before we kill you.

Y/N: No. That won't happen.

Venom jumps at me and the two of us start fighting.

I run at him and grab him as the two of us start falling off building.

As we're falling, we start punching each other.

He kicks me away and uses his own webbing and grabs me and pulls me towards him and punches me hard.

I shoot out a web to catch myself but he kicks me and then grabs ahold of me.

He brings us back up to the building and then throws me and I crash to the ground.

I look over and see Miles helping Felicia, Venom jumps at him but I web his leg and pull him but he just punches me which rips my mask a little bit.

The web warriors and myself then begin fighting Venom as he easily takes us down.

Venom then gets on top of me.

Venom: The world cannot thrive with you in it because as long as you are around we will never be in control.

He goes to kill me but Miles uses his venom blast to send him backwards.

I run at him again but he kicks me in the chest hard and I fall to the ground.

Third Person Perspective

After Y/N falls down to the ground, the other three web warriors go at Venom.

Venom grabs Evander and slams him down as Miles throws a punch but he catches it and kicks Mj, he then grabs Miles by the throat and slams him onto the ground.

Mj then tackles Venom to the ground.

Mary Jane: Cole, please. This isn't you.

Venom: We're better.

Mj and Venom start struggling with each other as Venom reaches his hand over and grabs part of a broke rod.

Venom then grabs her by the throat.

Venom: It's too bad, Mj, we really did like you.

Mj punches him in the face but Venom kicks her and she goes back at him.

Venom then stabs the rod right through her heart as Mj gasps loudly.

Back with Y/N, he had just looked up and sees what just happened.

Y/N: No!!!!

Venom throws MJ's body to the ground as she looks over at Y/N.

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