Chapter 139: Vormir 2014

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(Vormir, 2014) 

Natasha's POV 

So, after a long flight, Evander and I finally made it to Vormir which is where the soul stone is.

Evander and I stand and look out of the window. 

Evander: Under totally different circumstances this would be awesome. 

I nod at this.

Natasha: So true.

(Ten minutes later) 

After we landed the ship, Evander and I then walk up the mountain until we reach the top. 

Natasha: I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb the mountain. 

Evander: You know he's not technically a raccoon. 

Natasha: Oh whatever, he still eats garbage. 

???: Welcome. 

We both turn and see a being with a red skull and he was wearing a black clock and he stood infront of us. 

Nat pulls out her gun, while I get in a fighting stance.

Red skull: Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Evander, son of Jason. 

Natasha: Who are you? 

Red skull: Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the soul stone. 

Evander: Oh good, just tell us where it is and then we'll be on our way. 

Red skull: Oh, if only it were that easy. 

The Red skull guy then leads us to the edge of the mountain

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The Red skull guy then leads us to the edge of the mountain.

Red Skull: What you seek lies in front of both of you.

Red Skull: As does what you fear

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Red Skull: As does what you fear.

Natasha: The stone is down there.

Red Skull: For one of you. For the other...In order to take the must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul. 

After this, both Evander and I back off the edge of the mountain and take a minute to think about all of this.

I go over and sit on the hog.

Evander: Alright, maybe he's making this shit up.

Natasha: No. I don't think so.

Evander: Why's that? Because he knew your daddy's name. 

I look over to him. 

Natasha: I didn't. Thanos left here with the stone...without his daughter, that's not a coincidence. 

Evander: Yeah. 

After a moment I remember what Steve said. 

Natasha: Whatever it takes

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Natasha: Whatever it takes. 

Evander: Whatever it takes. 

I get up and walk over to him. 

Natasha: If we don't get that stone billions of people stay dead. 

Evander: Well then, I guess we both know who it's gotta be.

Natasha: I guess we do. 

Evander: I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha.

Natasha: I've been waiting for five years to get to this moment. For five years, That's all it's been about bringing everyone back. 

Evander's POV

Natasha and I argue about who has more blood on their hands, I also tell her it's gotta be me so I can do something right for Wanda.

We also argue which one of us should give their life for the Soul stone. 

She and I then put our foreheads together. 

Then Natasha grabs me and throws me to the ground.

Natasha: I'm sorry, Evander.

I then grab her and I flip her over.

Evander: No, tell Wanda I love her.

Then I go to run to the edge of the mountain but Natasha fires a few gunshots which causes me to fall to the side.

Then Natasha runs over the mountain but I jump and fire a web to the side of the mountain and put it in Natasha's hand.

We fall against the side of the mountain.

Natasha then realizes that the web was connected to her and I was gonna fall.

Natasha's POV

I feel tears run down my eyes as I realize Evander was gonna fall.

Natasha: Damn you Evander! Please!

Evander: Just let me go. 

I feel the tears running down my face. 

Natasha: No! No, I can't. I won't let go.

I try and pull us up but it doesn't work.

Evander: You have to let go. It's okay. Thank you for staying with me these last five years.

Tears fall down Evander's eyes.

Evander: It's okay.

Evander kicks himself off the mountain and falls towards his death. 

Natasha: No!! 

I then see a blinding light and black out. 

When I open my eyes I sit up and see that I'm in a lake, and that I'm still on Vormir. 

I look down to see that I have the Soul stone in my hand. 

After a minute to process what happened I stand up and activate my time travel suit.

Then I head back to the compound in 2023.

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