Chapter 65: Hank Pym

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When I come to, I see that I'm in a bedroom that isn't mine.

I look forward and see a woman standing there typing on her phone and I immediately sit up on the bed.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: Hope.

Y/N: Uh, who?

Hope: Your clothes are on the chair. Get dressed and meet us downstairs.

She then walks out of the room.

Y/N: Uh, who's us?

I then see I'm wearing someone's pajamas.

Y/N: And who's pajamas are these?

I don't hear and answer so I get up and grab my clothes.

I then start to get dressed.

Y/N: So this is what I get for telling the world who I am. I get pricked in the neck and brought to some strange house with a woman who put me in someone else's pajamas.

I then finish getting dressed and I move over to the door.

I peak out and see no one around.

Then I walk out of the room while keeping myself alert and I make my way downstairs.

Once I make it downstairs, I walk into the dining room and see Hope and a man sitting at the table.

Y/N: Uh, hello.

???: Come sit.

Y/N: No.

???: Now.

Y/N: Okay.

I then go and sit in front of him.

???: Wow. You really are the spitting image of your father.

Y/N: Excuse me?

???: I'm Hank Pym.

Y/N: Pym?

Hank: It's nice to see you again, Y/N.

Y/N: Again?

Hank: I worked with your father. He was quite the man he was. Always told me you'd grow up to be a remarkable man.

He sets a newspaper on the table that shows me revealing my identity to the world.

Hank: If only he knew how remarkable you've become.

I pick up the newspaper.

Y/N: You knew my father?

Hank: Oh yes. Fairly well. We were working on a project when he died. Never did get to finish it.

I set the newspaper down on the table.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Hank: No. don't be. I see you've met my daughter Hope.

Y/N: Yes. She was quite nice.

Hope: I try.

Y/N: Okay I'm sorry. What am I doing here? Why did you prick me in the neck? And why are there ants on the table?

Hank laughs at this and he stands up.

Hank: Follow me.

I then follow Hank into what must be his lab and he goes and sits down.

Hank: I need your help Y/N.

Y/N: With what?

Hank: Come sit.

I then go sit down with him.

Hank then tells me about his past and how he created the Pym particle and became Ant-Man.

He then tells me that his former protege is getting close to creating his particle which could be disastrous for the world.

Y/N: So why don't you just go and take it?

Hank: That's what I'm doing.

Y/N: And you what? Want me to go and do it for you?

Hank laughs at this.

Hank: No. no. I have someone for that. You're simply back up in case he can't do it.

Y/N: He?

He then pulls up a file of a man named Scott Lang who is a former criminal just released from prison.

Y/N: You want him to take this particle?

Hank: Yes.

Y/N: So why recruit me if you don't want me to do it for you?

Hank: Because you don't have the kind of skills required for this mission.

Y/N: You want him to break in somewhere? I've got a girlfriend who could do that but then again she's trying to change her ways, you know what tell me more about Scott Lang.

Hank: Scott Lang now sits in a jail cell after he tried returning the suit. Because Hope called them. So now I need to go talk to him. While I do that, you simply be here and get acquainted to Hope.

Hank then stands up.

I stand up and turn around to him.

Y/N: I haven't agreed to do this.

Hank chuckles and turns around to me.

Hank: You're right. You haven't. Though I suspect you won't allow a man without prior history of being a superhero, no suit, no training, and a former criminal do this himself. Am I right?

I think about it for a minute and then Hank walks out of the room.

Y/N: Son of a bitch. He's right.

I then walk out of the room and go into the living room and see Hank leave.

I then turn and see Hope and she looks up at me.

Hope: What's it like being a superhero?

Y/N: Oh boy.

I then walk into the dining room and wait for Hank to return.

(A/N: Okay so it may be stupid to put Y/N in Ant-Man like this as simply Scott's helper but just go with it cause I'll tell you now. It's gonna be the same thing in Spider From The Future when I get to Ant-Man in that story, except Y/N's identity won't be revealed in that one. So I hope you all understand that I really wanted to do Ant-Man and I hope you guys like this arc.)

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