Chapter 122: Return To The Compound

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Bruce and I are now at the compound.

Bruce looks at me.

Bruce: You okay?

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm good.

Bruce and I then head inside. We immediately go into the main lab and see Rhodey standing there.

Rhodey: Bruce Banner and Y/N L/N.

I nod.

Y/N: Hey, Rhodey.

Rhodey comes over to us and he hugs Bruce.

After they pull away, Rhodey hugs me.

We then pull away.

Rhodey: Everyone thought you were dead man?

Y/N: I'm sorry man. It was...

Rhodey nods.

Rhodey: I know.

Bruce: So where is everyone?

Rhodey: In Scotland trying to find Vision, Evander and Wanda.

Y/N: Alright, I'm gonna go and get cleaned up.

Rhodey: All right, man.

I nod and then head to get cleaned up.

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

So after I take a shower I head into my old bunker and see how nothing has changed.

I sigh as I go over to the dresser and grab some clothes.

I then get dressed.

Once I'm done I walk over to the stand and see the photo of me, Barry and Felicia.

Rhodey: He misses you, you know?

I turn and see Rhodey standing in the doorway.

Y/N: He'll be fine.

Rhodey: Yeah he will.

After Rhodey says this, he leaves the room.

I then sit back down and put my hand through my hair.

I look at the picture and then I put it back down.

I then go into the hallway and see Bruce standing there.

Y/N: You okay?

Bruce: Oh yeah, I'm fine.

Y/N: I'm sure it's weird being back here after everything.

Bruce: It is yeah.

Y/N: Well nothing we can do about it now.

Bruce: No we can't.

(Two Hours Later)

So after two more hours Bruce and I are still waiting for the others to return.

After a few minutes they all finally walk in and talk to Rhodey.

Bruce: You ready?

Y/N: No.

Bruce chuckles.

We then walk into the room.

Rhodey: Oh yeah and we have some help.

Natasha: Who?

Bruce: Us.

Everyone turns to look at us and their eyes widen.

Natasha: Bruce.

Bruce: Hi Nat.

I then see Felicia.

Felicia: Y/N, your- your alive.

Y/N: Hi Felicia.

Steve: Uh, come on guys, let's give them a minute.

Everyone walks towards me as they say hi to Bruce and I, they all then go into the other room and allow me and Felicia a moment to talk.

Y/N: You look good. You dyed your hair brown.

Felicia: Well I thought it was time for a change.

Felicia walks towards me.

Y/N: I'm uh-

She then slaps me in the face.

Y/N: Ow.

She then hugs me.

After a moment or so, she pulls away and then slaps me across the face again.

Y/N: Ow.

Felicia: I can't believe this. You're alive. Alive. I mean, where have you been?

Y/N: Sakaar.

Felicia: What?

Y/N: It's um a planet.

Felicia: You....You were in space?

I nod.

Felicia: So you couldn't come back? You ended up on this planet and couldn't come back.

I look away.

Felicia: You could've.

I look back at her.

Y/N: It's not that simple Felicia.

Felicia: Yes it is. You could've come back, came back here to earth and you didn't.

Y/N: No I couldn't.

Felicia walks to the other side of the room.

Felicia: But, why not? I mean this city needed Spider-Man.

Y/N: It had Evander and Miles.

Felicia chuckles.

Felicia: Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Why- why after everything you've ever told me about leaving and abandoning you and Barry, why did you get to go and do it too?

Y/N: It's not the same.

Felicia: Yes it is.

Y/N: No, actually it's not.

After I say this, Felicia and I start arguing.

Y/N: Because I killed Cole!!!

Her eyes widen when I yell this.

Felicia: What?

Y/N: He was gonna come back and he was gonna kill you, he was gonna kill everyone I love, so I took out my talons.

I touch my hands feeling the effects of what Thanos did.

Y/N: And I stabbed him in the chest. I killed my best friend, Felicia. Me. Spider-Man, New York's hero. Spider-Man killed someone. So no, I couldn't come back. And Spider-Man, he's dead. He died the minute the quinjet landed on Sakaar.

Felicia: I've spent the last two years of my life becoming the hero you wanted me to be and yet you've been out there....alive.

Y/N: And I'm happy about that, I'm happy that you became a hero. Me, I'm not a hero. I'm just a guy who got bite by a radio active spider.

After this I walk away from Felicia, I go into the hallway and see Evander.

Evander: All this time you've been alive and I didn't even look for you.

Y/N: It's not your fault, Evander. You can't find someone who doesn't wanna be found. Come on.

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