Chapter 11: Captain Cold

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(Two Days Later)


So it's been two days since I first ran into Leonard Snart and yesterday I ran into him again.

This time though he had a gun that shoots ice from it which he stole from Stark Technologies which I do gotta admit it's actually pretty cool.

But something did happen, Snart killed someone which made me feel guilty that I wasn't able to stop him.

Though since then I haven't ran into him again.

Right now I'm with Mary Jane and we are having lunch.

Mary Jane: So, how is it working at Oscorp?

Y/N: It's good. Yeah, it's great.

Mary Jane: Really? So what amazing things happen there?

Y/N: Uh....nothing, just you know, simple stuff.

Mary Jane: Hmm...Y/N L/N, you are a man of mystery.

Y/N: You have no idea.

The two of us laugh.

Mary Jane: Oh, hey I wanted to ask you something.

Y/N: Sure, anything.

Mary Jane: Well my mother is in town and I was wondering if you would go with me to talk to her.

Y/N: Oh uh....

Mary Jane: Is that...That's stupid, right? Forget it, stupid question.

Y/N: No, no. It's fine. I'd like too.

Mary Jane: Really?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll go with you.

Mary Jane: Great.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

So, I've walked Mary Jane home and now we're standing in front of her house.

Mary Jane: Thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: No problem.

Mary Jane: See you at work?

Y/N: Yeah.

Mary Jane and I hug and then she goes inside.

I then start to walk away and my phone rings.

I answer it.

Y/N: Hello.

Cole: Hey, It's Cole. Snart stole that Diamond he was after.

Y/N: Dammit. Alright, where is he?

Cole: He's at the train station. He's trying to escape now that he has the Diamond.

Y/N: Okay, thanks for letting me know.

I hang up and then go change into my suit and I web zip into the air.

(Ten minutes later)

Once I get to the train station, I see Snart walking inside and it leaves the station.

I web zip and land on top of it, I then craw down the side I propel myself off and crash through the window.

I then land in a spider position behind Snart.

Snart then turns around and points his cold gun at me.

Y/N: There's nowhere to run.

Snart: I didn't see it before. Your mom know your out past your bedtime?

Y/N: (Smirks) If you wanted to get away, you should've taken something faster than a train.

Snart: That's if I wanted to get away. I've seen your weakness. The armored car, the theater, see while your busy saving everybody, I'll be saving myself.

He then uses his cold gun to shoot the floor which freezes up the wheels on the train and he then goes over to the door and opens it up.

Snart: Good luck with that!

He then dives off the train.

Then the train starts to derail.

I then look around and think of a way to get everyone off the train.

I then grab the people on the train and start throwing them out and I use my webs to create pave for them to land on.

Then after I finish getting everyone off the train, I make it out before it can crush me

When I go to get up, I get shot with ice and I end up frozen in place.

I look up and see Snart in front of me and he is pointing his cold gun at me.

Snart; Your fast, kid. But not fast enough.

He just stares at me for a moment.

Snart: Thank you.

Y/N: For what?

Snart; You forced me to up my game. Not just with this gun, but with how I look at the job. It's been educational.

???: Drop it.

I look over and see Cole pointing a gun to the back of Snart's head.

Cole: Drop it.

Snart: I was wondering who you were talking too.

Cole: Drop it. Don't make me use this.

Snart: Your hands are shaking, you've never killed anybody.

Cole: There's a first time for everything, Captain Cold.

Snart just stares at me and then he sighs and puts the gun at his waist.

Snart: You win, kid. For now.

He starts to walk away.

Cole: Hey, leave the diamond.

Snart: Don't push your luck.

Snart then walks away and Cole comes over and helps me out of the ice and then I stand up.

Cole: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, thanks.

Cole: Your welcome.

Y/N: Where'd you get a gun?

Cole: Oh uh I'm glad he didn't make me use this.

He presses the trigger and water comes out.

Cole: It's a water gun that I painted black on the way over here.

I laugh at this.

Cole: Are we just gonna let him go?

Y/N: He'll be back.

Cole: How do you know?

I shake my shoulders.

Y/N: A hunch.

Cole: Oh hey my sister will be in town.

Y/N: That's great. We should all hang out.

Cole: Definitely.

Cole and I then leave.

(Three Hours Later)

I've just gotten out of the shower and after I go into my room and get dressed.

I then go out into the living room and I hear talking in the hallway.

I open the door and look out and see Liz and Ben walking into their apartment.

I remember Liz asking me if I ever wanted to join her and Ben for dinner the offer would be open.

I think for a minute and then I walk out.

I go over to them.

Y/N: Liz.

She turns.

Liz: Oh hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Is that offer for dinner still on the table?

Liz: Oh uh yes. Yes! Please, come in.

Y/N: Need help with the groceries?

Liz: Uh, sure.

She hands me the bags and then we go inside and have dinner.

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