Chapter 5: Power And Hope

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(One Week Later)


So, it's been a week since I got spider powers and I still have no idea what I'm going to do with them.

I did have an idea of becoming a wrestler but I realized that I could kill someone with my super strength so I decided against it.

As I'm thinking I turn the corner and see a building on fire.

I then run and make my way towards the building.

Y/N: What happened?

Man: No one knows.

Then a woman runs past me.

Woman: Please, my baby! She's in there!

I look at the woman and see she's very worried.

I then know I have to be the one to save her daughter but I hesitate for a minute as I didn't want to risk getting hurt myself but I couldn't worry about that.

Somebody else's life was at stake and I knew I had to save her.

I then run and jump over the crime tape and I run inside the building.

I then hear the little girl screaming upstairs.

Little girl: Help! Please! Help me!

Y/N: Hold on!

I then take off running up the stairs and covering my mouth as not to breathe in the smoke.

I make it up the stairs and round the corner and hear the girl screaming and crying.

Y/N: Hold on! I'm gonna save you!

I then use my new strength to ram the door down.

I then look around the room and see the closet door so I run and open it and I see the little girl is only about seven years old.

I then grab her and hold her tightly as I take off running out of the room.

I make it to the stairs and I go to run down them but the stairs give out.

Y/N: Don't look. Keep your head down.

Then I back up slowly and I take a deep breath as I run over the stairs but I slip and before I can fall I use the talons on my hand to catch myself.

I then climb up and take off running down the stairs and I make it outside.

I then bring the little girl to her mother.

Woman: Thank you! Thank you! Oh my baby!

Then two police officers ask me to get checked out and I listened.

I sit down and I listen to one of the officers behind me.

Police officer: There was another woman still inside. She didn't make it out.

This hits me like a ton of bricks as I know if I didn't hesitate before I could have saved the other woman.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

So I am now at moms house and I've just told her and Cole what happened.

Anne: Oh my baby, I'm glad your okay.

Y/N: There was another woman inside. I couldn't save her.

Cole: It's tough man.

Y/N: I hesitated. For a few seconds I hesitated. Those few seconds could have made a difference.

Mom comes over and she sits down next to me.

Anne: Sweetie, it wasn't your fault. You did the best you could.

Y/N: But it wasn't enough. Someone else died.

Anne: Sweetie, you can't blame yourself for something you didn't know would happen. Your not Superman. Your Y/N.

I realize in this moment what I must use my powers for. To help the people of this city. To give them hope.

Y/N: Mom, what if I could be more? What if I could do more?

Anne: You can. Remember if you help someone, you help everyone.

I smile as she's right. I now know that I must become a hero. To help the people of New York.

I stand up and give mom a kiss on the forehead.

Y/N: I'll talk to you later. Cole good luck on your date tonight.

Cole: How'd you know I have a date tonight?

Y/N: You always have a date.

I then leave the house and head to my apartment.

(Two Hours Later)

So, after going home I worked on some suit designs and after a few I finally got the right one done that I will use at least for now.

Then I started working on web shooters.

Right now I'm testing out the first ones I built.

Y/N: Come on.

I then shoot a web at the wall but the web shooters start on fire.

Y/N: Oh. Oh. Ah.

I take them off and step on them.

Y/N: Okay. Back to formula. I got this.

Then after a few failed attempts I finally got the web shooters working.

Y/N: Fucking yes!

(The Next Day)

So, it's the next day and I'm now getting ready to test out my web shooters.

I'm standing on top of a roof and I look over the edge and see just how high up I am.

Y/N: Whoa. Okay, this could work.

I then stand on the edge and look up.

Y/N: Don't look down.

Then I look down.

Y/N: Shit! Okay here goes nothing.

Then I drop and start screaming.

Y/N: Ahhh!!!!

I then shoot out a web which attaches to another building.

Then before I hit the building I shoot out another web and I start web swinging.

Y/N: This is so awesome!

Then I do a flip in the air as I land on a rooftop and I flip off and shoot a web which attaches to a building and I land in the alley.

I then head home to work on my suit so I can put the criminals in this city away.

(Hey guys, sorry if the chapter isn't all that good. I'm getting over being sick but I'm finally at the point where I can write.)

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