Chapter 47: The Vault

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(The Next day) 


So it's the next and I'm sitting in my apartment when I get a call from MJ.

Mary Jane: Y/N, I finally decrypted that laptop. You know that room sized vault you were talking about? I found a record of it being delivered to a shipyard near Hell's Kitchen. 

Y/N: That's gotta be where the kid is. Thanks MJ, great work. 

I hang up and then call Felicia. 

Felicia: If you're calling at this hour it's either a booty call, or you've got something. 

Y/N: I think we've found your son. I'm gonna send you an address, meet me there. 

I quickly hang up. 

I then go to my closet and pull out my suit.

(Twenty Minutes Later) 

After suiting up I leave my apartment and make it to the shipyard where the vault is. 

Y/N: MJ nailed it. This place is isolated. You could keep a kid here for weeks without anyone knowing it. 

I stick to the side of a crane and study the area.

I feel weight on my back and I turn and see Felicia hanging on to me from behind. 

Felicia: This is the place. I can feel it. 

Y/N: If they spot us, it's over. We need to take 'em all out. Like we used to. 

Felicia then hangs off me and grabs my hand as she dangling there. 

Y/N: As quiet as a cat. 

Felicia: As sneaky as a spider. 

She then drops down below and I jump away landing on a shipping container. 

(Ten Minutes Later) 

After dealing with the guys guarding the place Cat sneaks into the vault, while I deal with the reinforcements. 

Once I deal with the guys I go into the vault to check on Felicia.

When I get in there I see a case that has the shape of a data drive.

I also one of Felicia's signature stuffed cat dolls. 

I now realize I'm this moment that Felicia was playing me the whole time. 

Y/N: No no no, you've gotta be kidding me. 

I turn to see the vault door closing.

I try to web zip out but the door closes before I can. 

After this I found out that Felicia lied to me and Hammerhead as she gave him fake drives.

She also lied to me about having a son.

I then tell her to give the drives to the police, but she doesn't want to. 

We then hear Hammerhead's guys coming. 

Felicia: Gotta go Spider. I'll raise a glass to you on the Riviera. 

I start banging on the door. 

Y/N: Felicia! Felicia! 

After a couple of seconds I see the door open again and so I jump on the ceiling.

I find out that Hammerhead has trackers on those drives.

I also find out that he plans on killing Felicia by blowing up her penthouse. 

Once Hammerhead's guys leave I leave the vault too.

When I'm out I call Felicia to warn her. 

Felicia: Miss me already? 

Y/N: Hammerhead knows where you are and he's gonna kill you. There's a tracker on his drive... 

Felicia: I don't get you Spider. I just conned you, and you're here trying to save me. How can you be so damn nice all the time? 

Y/N: It's not about being nice, it's about doing the right thing. You've got some many talents. I just wish you'd use then for someone other than yourself. 

Felicia: Well, you should know by now that's not how I roll. You can't change me Spider. 

Y/N: People can change Felicia, you can too. I know it, because I know you. 

Felicia: Love you Y/N. I'll miss you. 

She hangs up. 

Y/N: Damn it! Shit, gotta move Y/N! 

After a few minutes of swinging as fast as I could I make it to Felicia's penthouse.

I see her about to walk through the door on the balcony. 

She notices me and smiles at me. 

I stick to the side of a building to jump into save her. 

Y/N: Felicia!!! 

But I was too late the place blows up and the explosion knocks me away sending me to another rooftop. 

Once I get to my feet I see Felicia's penthouse on fire from the explosion. 

Y/N: Damn it. I'm sorry Felicia. 

I then hear crying coming from down in the alley.

I flip in the air and land on the ground and I walk in closer and move behind the dumpster and see a little boy sitting there.

My eyes widen when I see he's holding one of Felicia's stuffed cats.

Y/N: (Whispers) Oh my god.

I walk closer.

Y/N: Are you okay?

He looks up at me.

???: Where's my mom? Mommy!

I kneel down to him and lower my head and see a piece of paper on the cat.

I grab it and read it.

Y/N: "Look after him, Spider. He is your son after all. P.S. he has your attitude."

I realize something.

Y/N: I don't have an attitude.

I look at Barry.

Barry: Where's my mom?

I take off my mask.

As I stare at him I realize that Felicia didn't lie, well she technically lied twice but In this moment all I could see was my son.

Y/N: Don't worry. I'm gonna protect you. I'll never let anything happen to you. Ever.

I put my mask back in and pick him up.

Y/N: All we need is each other.

Then I web swing away as I wonder how exactly I'm going to raise a child.

I also can't believe Felicia was gone. She was my first everything and now I have to deal with the fact she's now gone.

(A/N: Hey guys so there's something that I'm curious about. While I writing this chapter I was stuck on whether I wanted it to be a lie or not about Felicia's son. In the end I chose it to not be a lie but I am curious, would you guys have liked it if was a lie? Or do you like that I choose it not to be a lie?)

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