Chapter 62: The Truth Is....

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(Two Days Later)


So I've just gotten home and I see MJ, Felicia and Barry sitting at the table.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Barry: Dad.

Barry runs over to me and I pick him up.

Y/N: How was your day, kiddo?

Barry: Aunt MJ and I had the best day ever. You would not believe how great it was.

Y/N: Oh I definitely can believe it.

Felicia then comes over to me and I give her a kiss.

Felicia: Okay, sweetheart your dad and MJ have to talk. Let's go get ice cream.

Barry: Yay.

I hand Barry to Felicia as I smile and the two leave the apartment.

I look at MJ.

Mary Jane: You wanna speak to me?

Y/N: Uh yeah. Come on, there's something I gotta show you.

MJ then follows me out of the apartment.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

MJ and I are now at the avengers compound and we walk inside.

Mary Jane: What are we doing here for?

Y/N: Do you remember last year when you said "You didn't always wanna be the one who had to be saved."

Mary Jane: Yeah.

Y/N: Well Tony and I put our heads together and came up with an idea.

Mary Jane: An idea?

Y/N: Yes an idea.

Mary Jane: And what exactly is this idea?

I lead MJ into my lab and close the door.

Y/N: Tony and I made something for you.

Mary Jane: Really?

I walk over to the mannequin in the corner.

Y/N: Before I give you what we made, I need to know if you can be responsible.

Mary Jane: I think you've known me long enough to know that I'm responsible.

Y/N: Are you sure?

She laughs.

Mary Jane: Yes.

I then take the cover off the mannequin which reveals a female version of my Spider-Man suit.

I then take the cover off the mannequin which reveals a female version of my Spider-Man suit

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(So this is what Mary Janes suit looks like.)

I step back as MJ steps forward.

Mary Jane: What is this?

Y/N: It's a suit for you.

Mary Jane: What? I don't understand.

Y/N: It has all my abilities, it took a while but Tony and I were able to have the suit basically mimic all of my abilites.

Mary Jane: What? But how...?

Y/N: That's not important. What is important is that now you have your own suit.

Mary Jane: This is so great.

Y/N: It's for emergencies only. If there's ever a time when your in trouble and I can't get there in time the suit will help you out.

Mary Jane: Thank you, Y/N.

I nod.

MJ turns to me.

Mary Jane: Now there's one more thing that needs to be addressed.

Y/N: What?

She walks over and turns on the tv and I see a report about the world wanting to know who the Ultimate Spider-Man is.

I sigh.

Mary Jane: Are you gonna do it?

(Three Days Later)

So myself and the other avengers are throwing a press conference today.

Over the last week everyone has been  wondering who Spider-Man is after what happened in Sokovia.

And after much thought I've decided to let the world know who I am.

I'm now standing with Felicia and I'm getting ready for the press conference.

Y/N: Felicia are you sure your okay with this? I mean, I don't wanna put you and Barry in danger by revealing my identity. All the villains I've faced will know my real name and be able to use you against me.

Felicia wraps her arms around my shoulders.

Felicia: Y/N, I can protect me and Barry don't worry about us. And I know that this is what you want. If revealing your secret is what you want then I fully support you and I know Barry does too.

I look over and see Barry wearing one of my Spider-Man masks.

Y/N: Okay, okay. Yeah I'm ready for this.

Felicia and I then kiss.

We then pull away.

Felicia: You got this.

Steve then walks in.

Steve: You ready?

Y/N: Ready as I'll ever be.

Steve: Alright then.

Steve then goes out to talk to the reporters.

Steve: Ladies and gentleman, your very own, Ultimate Spider-Man. And he will not be answering any questions.

I walk out on stage and see all the people that were here.

I then stand in front of the podium.

Y/N: Over the last five years I have protected this city, I've done my best throughout all of it to be the best Spider-Man I can be. But over the last week and a half there's been a lot speculation as to who I really am. Well I'm here to tell you the truth, I'm here to reveal who I am.

I sigh.

Y/N: But it doesn't matter if people know who I am, because I know that the truth is easier than a lie. And no matter what, I am here to protect New York City.

I breathe in heavily because the second I take my mask off my whole life is gonna change forever. 

Y/N: The truth is... 

I slowly raise my hand and slowly pull off my mask. 

Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N and I am The Ultimate Spider-Man. 

The whole crowd instantly jumps out of their seats cheering and snapping pictures, and they want me to answer questions. 

I turn to see my fellow Avengers smiling and I know in this moment that nothing for me will ever be the same again.

(Well that's it for Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Next up is Ant-Man.)

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