Chapter 14: Bad Luck

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I'm now back at Coles house in his room and I'm telling him about the black cat that I met.

Cole: So she just took you down?

Y/N: Yeah man. She was strong. Very strong.

Cole: I'm sure she wasn't wasn't very strong.

Y/N: Bro she sprayed me with some type of green mist and then I think she kissed me.

Cole: She kissed you?

Y/N: Yeah.

Cole: Was she hot?

Y/N: Cole!

Cole: What? Oh come on, man. Was she hot?

Y/N: Okay, fine. Yes, yes she was hot.

Cole: I knew it.

I stand up and go over to his desk and sit in the chair.

Y/N: I gotta find her.

Cole: Well how are you going to?

Y/N: She's a cat.

I smirk.

Y/N: Cats love shiny things.

(Two Days Later)

So it's been two days since I met the black cat and I've been looking for her since then.

While web swinging around the city, an alarm went off at the museum.

Once I make it to the musuem, I crawl inside the vent and then come out of it when I see the black cat stealing a Diamond.

I crawl on the ceiling and then I perch and slide down to her level.

Y/N:  Hi!

She gets startled and turns around.

Black Cat: Hello, Spider.

Y/N: I don't believe that Diamond belongs to you.

Black Cat: You know us kitties and our shiny things.

Y/N: How about we just put the Diamond back and talk about what it is that made you a criminal.

She laughs.

Black Cat: And there I was thinking I'd gotten my evening nicely planned. A little innocent Diamond theft followed by hot cocoa and steamy chick-lit.

Y/N: Sorry to ruin your fun.

Black Cat: Could you hold this for me?

She hands me the Diamond and then turns around.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Black Cat: Ooh, just providing a distraction.

Y/N: What?

She turns around and grabs the Diamond from my hand and then walks past me.

I drop from my web.

Y/N: Hey, where are you going?

Black Cat: See you soon, Spider.

Then she runs out of the room and I hear a ticking and so I turn around and see a device that had a cat face on it.

My spider sense goes off and then I shoot out a big web just as it explodes which causes me to go flying into the wall.

Y/N: Ow.

I then get up to go find Black Cat.

(Five Minutes Later)

I'm now on the roof and I see Black Cat running, I start chasing after her as she starts jump from building to building.

Black Cat: Gotta keep up spider.

Y/N: I am.

Black Cat: Are you though?

I manage to grab ahold of her but she kicks my knee and then elbows me.

She then jumps to another building as I get back up and continue chasing after her.

I finally make it to her and tackle her to the ground.

Black Cat: You know what they say about black cats, little spider?

Y/N: Not really.

Black Cat: They're bad luck.

I then see the Diamond on the ground so I reach for it but she grabs me and flips me over and sits on top of me.

Black Cat: This is so nice. But really you should take me out to dinner first.

I grab her and flip her over and then web her hands to the ground.

I flip over her and land in a spider position then I grab the Diamond.

Y/N: I guess you really aren't bad luck.

Black Cat: Or maybe I let you get the Diamond.

Y/N: What?

I turn around and she's standing up.

Black Cat: You think I'm the bad one? Have you ever heard of the kingpin?

Y/N: The Who?

Black Cat: Right, Spider. Maybe you should figure out just who he is.

Y/N: I will. After I return this to the museum.

Before I can walk away suddenly I hear a noise and I turn around and the water drain behind us has just broke and it hits me.

Black Cat takes the Diamond from my hand as the water causes me to fall off the roof and I hit a dumpster.

Y/N: Man. She really is bad luck.

I then stand up and wonder about who she meant by the Kingpin.

(Sorry this chapter is so short. Next one will be longer.)

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