Chapter 42: Teaming With Sable

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(Two Days Later)


So for the past two days I've been trying to take down the sinister six but haven't gotten any closer to doing it.

Anyways after talking to MJ about whether I should give up on Otto or not, I decide to head to F.E.A.S.T. to help mom.

Once I get there I change out of my suit and head inside.

I then head to the kitchen and I see mom.

Anne: Oh Y/N! It is so good to see you! How are you? Healthy?

Y/N: I'm good. How are you, mom?

Anne: Good but busy.

Mom then starts coughing and I help her sit down.

Anne: I'm okay.

Y/N: Didn't you tell me one time to accept that I'm human just like everyone else?

Anne: You and your father.

Mom coughs again.

Anne: Masters at turning my words against me. Im fine, Y/N. Just a little run down.

Y/N: Where's Miles? Maybe he can help out.

Anne: Oh he is. He's out getting medical supplies from the relief center. It's amazing how quickly we go through antibiotics.

Y/N: All right. You stay off your feet for a bit. I'll organize the unloading and check in with Miles. Deal?

Anne: Deal. Give me a chance to wound my L/N pride.

So after getting ahold of Miles he tells me that he had a run in with Rhino and I found out Rhino is attacking Oscorp's relief centers.

Then I head to the location of the next relief center where I take down Rhino and Scorpion.

I'm now sitting on a rooftop and call Yuri.

Y/N: All right, Yuri. That's four down. Just Octavius and Li left.

Yuri: Something tells me that they won't be as easy to take down.

Y/N: Don't worry. We are gonna stop this.

Then I hang up.

(The Next Day)

So I'm now on my way to help MJ as she is breaking into Norman Osborn's place to find out more about Devil's breath.

After about twenty minutes she comes over comms.

Mary Jane: Y/N, you here?

Y/N: Turing off Lex now. Are you okay?

Mary Jane: I will be in a few seconds. Northwest corner. Hey, you ready?

Y/N: Wait! Wait! Hold on!

Mary Jane: Too late. You're up.

As I round the corner I see MJ jump off the ledge and start falling.

I then web zip in and catch her.

After grabbing her I manage to shoot out a web to catch us.

Y/N: Jesus! Your crazy!

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