Chapter 27: Organization That Fears Intelligence

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(One Hour Later)


So, it's been an hour that Bruce, Tony and I worked and now I'm working on my web shooters.

I have my headphones in and I'm listening to music and as I'm working something is thrown at me and I look down and it's a blueberry.

Y/N: Really?

I turn around and see Tony.

Tony: Ah, finally. I've been calling your name for a few minutes.

Y/N: Oh sorry.

Tony: So, kid. I watched the security footage of you taking on Kingpin. That's some strength right there. How'd you get your powers anyways?

I chuckle as I turn around and sit on the table.

Y/N: You gave them to me.

He looks confused by my answer.

Y/N: Stark technologies had spiders that they were doing experiments on. After you stopped manufacturing weapons, you got rid of the spiders. Oscorp took possession and I just so happened to get a promotion and that spider...

Tony: Bit you.

Y/N: Yep.

Tony chuckles as he sits down on the chair.

Tony: Sorry kid.

Y/N: No, no don't be.

I get off the table and turn back around to my web shooters.

Y/N: I love my powers. I love being the Ultimate Spider-Man.

Tony: So, these web shooters are unlike anything I've ever seen.

As I'm looking down at the table, I put my hand out and catch my web cartridge that Tony has just thrown.

Tony: Damn, that's crazy. You didn't even see me throw it.

He then walks around the table.

Tony: So you build your web shooters?

Y/N: Yep.

Tony: Fascinating. Could I offer you some advice though?

Y/N: Sure.

I stop what I'm doing and look up at him.

Tony: You build your web shooters, right?

Y/N: Yeah.

Tony: How about instead of just natural web shooters, put a spin on it.

Y/N: You mean like web shooters that don't just shoot out webs?

Tony chuckles.

Tony: Exactly.

Y/N: That's not a bad idea.

Tony: I tell you what, after this is all over. Come by Stark Tower. I have a project I'm working on. Work on it with me.

Y/N: Seriously?

Tony: Yeah. I think it'd be great. Besides your suit could use an upgrade.

Y/N: I just got that suit from Fury today.

Tony: That explains it.

Then after a little bit I finally finish my web shooters and I take out my headphones and see Tony trying to get the hulk to come out.

Tony: Nothing?

Then I turn and see Steve walk into the room.

Steve: Are you nuts?

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