Chapter 50: The Rhino Take Down

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(Queens, New York, April 2015, Y/N's Age: 23)


So right now I'm web swinging as I've just heard someone is robbing a money truck.

Once I make it to the truck, I see a hole on the top of it and I drop down and see a man packing money into bags.

Y/N: Jigs up pal.

He turns to me.

???: I don't wanna hurt you. Leave now.

I laugh at this.

Y/N: I guess you haven't heard. I'm the sherif around these parts.

???: Okay.

He tries to punch me but I move back and he tries to punch me again but I bend down and punch him in the gut but my hand goes through his stomach.

Y/N: Oh boy.

His hand then turns into a rock as he punches me and I go flying out of the back of the truck.

His hand then turns into a rock as he punches me and I go flying out of the back of the truck

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(Just imagine its Y/N in his suit.)

I roll on the ground a few times and I shoot out a web that attaches to the truck.

I get on to the door and use slide in the road.

As I'm doing this a truck comes towards me and I shoot out another web to a parked car and pull myself to the side.

The money truck hits another parked car and ends up in the street as I shoot out another web and jump onto it.

I then propel myself into the air as I start shooting webs at the Sandman.

He tries to hit but flip in the air and land on the truck.

I spin around and hit his legs which causes them to turn to sand.

I web the money bag and pull it towards me and put it back inside the truck.

He then hits me with his fist which was now a hammer.

But I stick to the side of the truck as he hits and my body smashes onto a bus windshield.

I web the truck and come back to the side of the truck and he hits me through the wall.

Miles's POV

I'm now web swinging to meet up with Y/N and I see a guy who looks like sand on top of a truck.

I also see Y/N inside the truck.

I then go down and kick the sandman off the truck and he goes flying off.

I then drop to the ground and start fighting him.


When I look up, I see the two drivers are in sand in the front of the truck.

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