Chapter 43: Spider Vs. Octopus

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Y/N's P.O.V 

I finally make it to Oscorp tower to see Norman falling to his death. 

I catch him and throw him safely on top of a nearby rooftop. 

I run up the building and land on the roof infront of Otto. 

Y/N: Give me the anitserum. Otto please don't do this. 

Dr. Octavius: You're fighting the wrong man. But have it your way. 

Otto and I run at each other and begin to fight.

As we're fighting the rooftop becomes too hot to stand on so Otto and I go and fight on the tower on top of the roof.

I  jump onto Otto's back and I try and pull out the neural interface powering the arms, but the arms grab my wrists and break my web shooters. 

I dodge Dr. Octavius and try to get him from behind but he hits me in the face which breaks parts of my mask off.

Dr. Octavius: Such a disappointment. L/N. 

My eyes widen as I realise that he's known I'm Spider-Man.

I look at him. 

Y/N: You knew? 

Dr. Octavius: I tried to warn you Y/N, but you didn't listen. 

Y/N: You knew?! 

I jump up above him. 

Dr. Octavius: I won't let you win. This means too much to me. 

Y/N: Not as much as it means to me! 

I jump down and kick Otto which knocks him down and breaks off one of his arms and the tower breaks off as he and I manage to catch ourselves on the side of Oscorp tower. 

Otto and I then start fighting once again. 

Dr. Octavius: You can't save me Y/N. 

Y/N: Well then, I guess you'll just have to save yourself Otto. 

As we continue fight Otto uses one of the arms to stab me in the shoulder.

Y/N: Ahhhh!! 

Dr. Octavius: Oh L/N. If you want to change the world. You have to be willing to make the hard calls. 

Y/N: I couldn't... agree... more! 

I rip the blade out of my shoulder. 

Y/N: Ahhhh!!! 

I then manage to pull the interface out of the back of Otto's neck. 

This causes Otto to fall down and I jump down and kick him into one of the floors and he lands on top of a cabinet.

I hit the floor and my mask falls apart. 

I get to my feet and I grab the serum of the floor. 

Otto grabs my hand. 

Dr. Octavius: Y/N. I loved you like a son. I should of known you'd betray me too. 

Y/N: Betray? I loved you. I worshipped you. Your mind, your conscience, wanting to help others. The way you never gave up! 

Otto then tells me that men like us have a duty to protect the weak whether they understand or not. 

Y/N: No. You're wrong! 

As we start arguing I realize that I can't save him.

Y/N: You do what you think is best doc. That's all any of us can do. Even if it hurts like hell. 

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