Chapter 68: Turning Around

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(Three Days Later)


So after three days of Hank and Hope training Scott, he finally figured out how the Ant-Man suit and how the ants work.

I wasn't even sure if this was the right thing to do.

I'm now sitting in Hanks lab working on new web shooters with some of Hanks equipment.

After a few minutes, Hank walks in.

Hank: We're almost ready.

I spin around in my chair.

Y/N: This isn't a good idea, Hank.

Hank: Yes it is.

Y/N: No it's not. I mean, Scott could die, do you not get that? Do you even care?

Hank: Of course I care.

Y/N: It seems like you don't.

I stand up.

Y/N: Let me do this. I'll go in there, take the yellow jacket and get out.

Hank: It can't be you. It has to be Scott.

I then realize something.

Y/N: You don't trust me, do you?

Hank: I didn't say that.

Y/N: No because it seems like you don't. Scott isn't a superhero. You can't just put a suit on someone and call them a hero.

Hank: Scott has to do it!

Y/N: This is crazy, you're gonna get Scott killed. And I'm not gonna be here to watch you do it.

After I say this I start to walk to the door.

Hank: I take it, you're leaving.

Y/N: Yeah. I am. My girlfriend and child don't even know I'm here. Because someone decided to kidnap me.

Then I walk upstairs and start going towards the door.

Scott: Y/N, where are you going?

I turn around to Scott.

Y/N: I can't be here Scott. Not to see you get yourself killed.

Scott: But I won't.

Y/N: Yeah. You will. I just hope you see that before it's too late.

Then I leave the house.

(One Hour Later)

So after leaving Hanks I was gonna head home but I decided to take a minute to think about everything.

I'm now sitting on a rooftop.

After a moment or so I hear a thud I turn around and shoot webs out.

I then see that it's Steve.

Y/N: Jesus, what are you doing?

Steve chuckles.

Steve: Well I did come to see if you were okay.

I stand up.

Steve then takes the webs off his body.

Y/N: How'd you find me?

Steve: You're phone.

Y/N: Right. Locator.

Steve: Yeah, Felicia asked me to come see if you were okay.

Y/N: I've been meaning to call her.

Steve: She figures you're out doing whatever it is the ultimate Spider-Man does on a daily basis.

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