Chapter 101: Back To Normal

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(Two Days Later)


So it's been two days since I finally got rid of the symbiote and I'm actually feeling like myself again.

I haven't talked to anyone yet as I don't know how they'd feel, I'm honestly sure they'll hate me.

Anyways, I'm now wearing my suit that Nick gave me as I don't really wanna wear any suit that has black on it for obvious reasons.

I'm sitting on a rooftop still thinking about what's happened.

After a moment or so, I got a call from Jill.

Y/N: Hello.

Jill: Oh my god! Y/N, I've been trying to get a hold of you.

I stand up.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Jill: It's Barry. Oh my god I wasn't paying attention, and he just he ran and fell....I'm so sorry.

Y/N: Jill, Jill calm down. What happened?

Jill: Barry and I are we're gonna go to the park and we were getting ready to go and my sisters dog got out and ran and then Barry fell down the stairs.

Y/N: I'm on my way.

After this I hang up and head to the apartment.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

So I'm now at the apartment and I run into Jill's.

Y/N: Where is he?

Jill: He's in the bedroom.

I run into the bedroom and see Barry on the bed.

Y/N: Oh my god, Bar...

I go over and sit down.

Y/N: Hey bud.

Barry: I got hurt dad.

Y/N: I can see that. Here let me see.

I take the ice pack from his head and see a bruise.

Y/N: Oh man. Uh oh. Call it doc. Time.

Barry laughs.

Barry: Dad, I'm not gonna die.

I fake a gasp.

Y/N: You're not. Oh thank god. Phew.

Barry: Dad, are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine, kiddo.

Barry: You look like you're normal self.

Y/N: I feel my normal self too.

I lay next to him.

Y/N: I'm so sorry, Barry. For yelling at you and not being with you. I wasn't myself and I understand if you can't forgive me.

Barry: Of course I do dad.

Y/N: Great.

I put the ice pack back on his head.

Y/N: That bruise will fade, don't worry.

Barry: I know dad. I'm strong like, Spider-Man.

After a few minutes I head out to Jill.

Jill: Oh my god. Is he okay?

Jill starts freaking out.

Y/N: Jill, Jill, Jill.

Jill: Yeah?

Y/N: Relax. He's okay.

Jill: Really?

Y/N: He's just got a little bruise. He'll be fine.

Jill: Thank god.

Y/N: Don't worry. Uh, I'll call Felicia and she'll come see him.

Jill: Felicia's back?

Y/N: It's complicated.

Jill: So, are you okay? You look...

Y/N: Please don't say "different."

Jill chuckles.

Jill: I was gonna say better.

Y/N: I feel better, I feel like myself again after months.

Jill: Well im glad you're okay. Im gonna go check on him.

Y/N: You don't have to do that. I can take him home.

Jill: Oh no. He isn't going home until he's all better. If that's okay with you of course.

Y/N: Uh yeah. Yeah, I mean I'll hang out here with him then.

Jill: Y/N L/N hangs out?

I laugh.

Jill: And here I thought you only had sex.

I chuckle.

Y/N: I deserve that.

Jill: Well yeah, you kinda do.

Y/N: That phase is over, promise.

Jill: I trust you.

Jill then goes to check on Barry as I send a message to Felicia.

After a little bit Felicia walks in.

Felicia: Where is he?

Y/N: He's fine.

Felicia: Thank god.

Y/N: I only called you so you could know.

Felicia: I appreciate it even though I probably don't deserve it. How are you?

Y/N: Not taken over my a symbiote if that's what you're wondering.

Felicia: I'm glad. It made you something you weren't.

Y/N: How's Miles?

Felicia: He's okay. He's upset, he's mad, angry. He hates you but he loves you. He'll be fine, Y/N.

Y/N: Look about what I said about not...

Felicia: No. hey. We don't have to do this right now. I wanna talk, I do. I wanna be with you, Y/N. I was so stupid about leaving and staying away, telling you to go but I'm not important right now. There's plenty of other people you should be talking to before me. And after you do, then I'll be here to talk.

Y/N: Okay.

Felicia: Can I go see him?

Y/N: Yeah, of course.

Felicia then walks into the room.

Felicia's POV

When I walk into the room, I see Jill sitting with Barry on the bed.

Felicia: Barry.

Jill: I'll uh leave you two to talk.

Jill then walks past me and smiles.

I walk over to the bed but Barry gets off.

Felicia: Barry, I'm so sorry.

Barry: Don't.

I step closer but he moves back.

Barry: Don't come any closer.

Felicia: I know that I left, and I know I didn't even say goodbye. But I'm back now and I want...

Barry: Leave me alone!

Barry runs out of the room and I chase after him.

Felicia: Barry.

I see Barry with Y/N.

Felicia: Barry, I'm sorry.

Barry: I don't wanna talk to you so leave me alone.

I sigh and realize there's no point right now, I don't blame Barry for being mad and I know I have to work to gain his trust back.

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