Chapter 81: Rhino Returns

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(Two Days Later)


So I'm at the avengers compound as I am meeting with Steve. He's been away for a while as he and Sam have been searching for Bucky.

I walk into the gym area and see him training.

Y/N: Hey.

He turns to me.

Steve: Hey.

Y/N: So anything on Bucky?

Steve: Nothing yet but I feel Sam and I are getting close or at least I hope. So...

Y/N: So what?

Steve: I've been hearing things.

Y/N: Of course you have. From let me guess. Cole? Evander? Miles?

I laugh.

Y/N: Or wait. Tony.

Steve: I just wanna know if you're okay. Breaking up is hard Y/N.

I realize that Tony didn't tell him about my suit.

Y/N: Oh uh yeah. Im dealing with it.

Steve: Good, I'm glad. Have you talked to her?

Y/N: Nope. I have no idea where she is and she hasn't called me either.

Steve: Well have you tried to find her?

Y/N: Not really, I've been busy. I'll talk to you later.

Steve: All right, Y/N.

After this I go to Tony's office and see him sitting at his desk.

Y/N: Hey.

He spins around.

Tony: Y/N.

Y/N: Just out of curiosity, did you tell anyone about you know what?

Tony: You're suit.

I nod.

Tony: Nope.

I tilt my head.

Tony: You promised to get it under control and not let it control you so I see no reason to get everyone else involved. That'll likely lead to drama.

Y/N: And we know how you are with drama.

Tony: Exactly. So have you been wearing it?

Y/N: Nope.

Tony: Good. Cool. Just don't lose yourself Y/N.

Y/N: I won't.

After a few more minutes of talking, I head back to my apartment.

Once I get there I walk inside and see Jill playing with Barry.

Y/N: Hey Jill.

Jill: Hi.

Y/N: How were we today?

Barry: Jill took me to the park dad.

Y/N: That sounds fun.

Jill: It was no problem.

My phone beeps and I see it's Yuri and so I answer it.

Y/N: Hello.

Yuri: Y/N, we need your help.

Y/N: Really? You know, Captain. It's been along time since you've called me.

Yuri: Will you help us or not? It's Rhino.

Y/N: It's always Rhino.

Yuri: Y/N.

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