Chapter 60: Fight For Sokovia

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When I make it to the church, I walk over to Cap and the others.

I then turn to see Felicia and Natasha come into the church and join us near the core.

Natasha: What's the drill?

Tony points to the core.

Tony: This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose.

Hulk then comes busting into the church.

We all then see Ultron floating outside.

Thor: Is that the best you can do!?

Ultron then summons his army of robot's that start coming towards us.

I look at Thor.

Y/N: You just had to ask.

Ultron: This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?

Y/N: Well like the old man said...

I look at Tony and Steve.

Tony: Together.

Hulk roars as Ultron's army comes at us.

Third Person Perspective

The battle of Ultron and The Avengers begins as all the Avengers use each of their strongest moves to keep the bots at bay.

Hawkeye is using his arrows, Captain America uses his strength and shield, Vision uses his gravity and strong will, Artemis is using his arrows and fighting skills.

Hawkeye is using his arrows, Captain America uses his strength and shield, Vision uses his gravity and strong will, Artemis is using his arrows and fighting skills

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(Just imagine Y/N, Cole and Felicity are there as well.)

Scarlet witch uses her abilities to rip them apart, Black Cat is using her fighting skills as Black Widow uses her guns.

Scarlet witch uses her abilities to rip them apart, Black Cat is using her fighting skills as Black Widow uses her guns

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(Again just Imagine Y/N, Cole and Felicity are there as well.)

Thor is using his hammer to take down the bots and Hulk is ripping them apart.

The Ultimate Spider-Man is using his talons, his super strength and his webs to take down the robots. Iron Man is using his repulsive blasters and Quicksilver is running around and tearing them apart.

Each hero doing what must be done.


After taking down the last of the bots, Tony, Vision, Thor and I finish Ultron with help from, then we all regroup in the church.

Steve: We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. Y/N and I will sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you.

Clint: What about the core?

Wanda: I'll protect it.

I look at Wanda.

Wanda: It's my job.

I nod to her.

Clint then looks at Natasha.

Clint: Nat. This way.

Then Felicia comes over to me.

Felicia: Becareful.

Y/N: I'll be careful.

Felicia, Natasha and Clint leave the church.

Steve and I then go look for stragglers.

(Five Minutes Later)

Once Steve and I are done we head back to the life boats and we join Thor and Cole.

Tony then comes over the comms.

Tony: Thor, I'm gonna need you guys back at the church.

Thor: Is this the last of them?

Steve: Yeah, everyone else is on the carrier.

Tony: You guys know if this works, there's a good chance we won't walk away from it.

Y/N: Of course, but if we don't do this billions are gonna die.

Before Thor could leave we hear the sound of a machine gun going off.

We all look up and see Ultron flying a quinjet and firing it's gun.

Steve, Cole, Thor and I all move out of the way of the line of fire.

Once the dust settles we see Clint behind a car with a little boy and Pietro was dead on the ground.

Y/N: Oh shit.

I nod.

Thor then flies away to the church.

As I look around at the city I feel it about to drop.

I look back at the boat and Cap standing on the edge. 

Steve: Y/N! Come on!

I then run towards the boat and jump just as the city drops.

I manage to catch the life carrier as I pull myself up.

Steve: You okay?

I nod.

I stand up as the boat makes it back to the carrier.

Once we're aboard we go to the control room where Natasha, Felicia, Cole, Fury and Maria are.

Tony and Thor then joins us later as they survived blowing the city up. 

Wanda also survived and she destroyed the last of Ultron though Bruce didn't come back.

With everything that happened we decide to head back home knowing that we stopped Ultron and saved the world.

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