Chapter 106: Murderous Rampage

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(Two Days Later)


So after two days, Tony and I have finally managed to finish the vibration gun that will help separate Cole and the symbiote.

Tony sets it on the table in front of us and we both cross our arms.

Tony: This would be a lot cooler under different circumstances.

I laugh at this.

Y/N: We did good though.

Tony and I fist bump.

Y/N: Now all we need to do is find him.

Tony: Where would a murderous symbiote attached to a best friend go?

Steve: Downtown.

Tony and I turn and see Steve walk into the lab.

Y/N: What? What do you mean?

Steve: This is what I mean.

Steve walks over and grabs the remote and then turns the tv on.

On the tv we see Venom killing police officers and throwing cars and causing people to scream.

Y/N: Oh my god.

Tony: Y/N, you may need to come to the realization that Cole may not be in there anymore.

Y/N: No, I'm not giving up. Even if he has to be put in the raft, he's still my best friend. This gun will help.

I look at both of them.

Y/N: Please, you didn't give up on me. Please don't give up on Cole.

Tony: We won't.

Steve: No one is giving up on anybody. So let's go get him.

Y/N: No. This has to be me.

Steve: Y/N...that's a bad idea.

Y/N: I'm not saying to stay put. Just let me try okay?

Tony: We'll be on stand by then. If you need us...

Y/N: I'll be on comms.

Steve: Good luck.

Then I go and suit up and I start walking.

Natasha: Are you okay?

I look over at Natasha.

Y/N: I'm fine.

Natasha: You sure about that? I just wanna make sure you're head is on right.

Y/N: Natasha, this is my fault. I kept the symbiote and I took it off and now Cole has it.

Natasha: That's exactly the point, Y/N. I mean Tony told us all what that symbiote does and it changed you. It made you different.

Y/N: And it's doing the same thing to Cole.

Natasha: Yeah but you didn't kill anybody.

Y/N: But I could've.

Natasha: No I don't believe you would've. It may have been on you but I believe deep down you never would've killed anybody.

Y/N: So I should give up on Cole?

Natasha: No but maybe you should ask yourself, "Does Cole even wanna be saved?"

After this I head downtown.

(Five Minutes Later)

So I'm now downtown and I see the chaos that Cole has caused.

I see Yuri shooting at Cole but it just makes him angrier.

Venom goes for her but I web zip and grab her before he can get her.

I land on the ground with her.

Yuri: Y/N.

Y/N: Captain.

Yuri: I was almost believing that thing was you.

Y/N: It's not. Look I....

Before I can finish I'm webbed up and then thrown into a building.

When I stand up I see Venom standing over me.

Venom: Always the hero huh, Y/N? We knew if we did just a little bit of chaos you'd come swinging.

He laughs.

Venom: Get it, "Swinging."?

I stand up.

Y/N: Killing cops, Jill. Panic. The symbiote has taken you over Cole.

Venom: Oh no. We're fully in control. We're just doing what you didn't have the guys to do.

Y/N: And what's that?

Venom: Use it to its full potential.

Venom jumps at me and the two of us start fighting, though once again due to his strength he easily takes me down.

Venom: We know everything about you, Y/N. We know your fears, we know your weaknesses. We know you better than you yourself.

He picks me up by my throat and starts squeezing.

Y/N: (Groaning) So you.....must've know....I'd have....a plan.

Venom: We're sure the avengers are hiding somewhere, waiting.

I laugh slightly.

Venom: Why are you laughing?

Y/N: (Groaning) Because...that's not the plan.

I then take the gun out from behind my suit and shoot vibrations at him.

This causes him to drop me as I get on my knees.

The symbiote begins freaking out as Cole starts screaming.

I stand up as I get closer.

Y/N: I guess you don't know me as well as you thought. I learned my lesson about wearing it and I know you'll learn yours. Now it's time to get out of it.

I continue to do this but then the symbiote settles down.

Y/N: What the....? I don't....

Venom starts laughing.

Venom: I guess you don't know us as well as you thought.

I throw the gun down as I run at him and we start punching each other.

He punches me in the rips as I punch him in the face, he throws a right hook as I knee him in the groin.

I throw another punch but he catches my fist and then snaps my hand.

Y/N: Ahhh!!!

He starts beating me again as he slams me on the ground.

Then I hear gunshots and when I open my eyes, I see Yuri standing over me.

Yuri: Y/N, are you okay?

She kneels down to me and I sit up.

Y/N: My best friend is in that symbiote. So I think it's fair to assume I'll never be okay.

Yuri then helps me stand up.

Y/N: I wanted to apologize for what I said. You do your job and I'm glad that I've been able to work with you. When I said that, I wasn't myself.

Yuri: I forgive you.

Y/N: Alright, I have to go.

Yuri: Thank you for saving me, Y/N.

Y/N: Of course.

After this I web swing back to the compound.

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