Chapter 127: Tony Comes Back

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So we're now back at the compound after what happened in Wakanda.

Everyone's morale, including mine is pretty low, which is understandable considering everything that's happened.

Once the quinjet lands we all go out.

I immediately see Pepper running out but she didn't have Barry.

Pepper: Oh my god. The news is saying people are turning to dust.

Y/N: Pepper. Where's Barry?

Her expression changes and I immediately knew that Barry got dusted along with everyone else.

Pepper: Y/N, I'm so sorry.

I stumble forward and then fall down to my knees.

Evander: Y/N!

Evander comes and kneels down next to me.

I tune out everyone talking as I think about Barry, Miles and Felicia, and everyone else, they're gone and there's nothing we can do to get them back.

(Twenty days later)

It's been twenty days since the snap which is what everyone's calling what happened.

We found out that Nick Fury and Maria Hill were also snapped and we found a beeper that is sending a signal out somewhere.

Right now Steve, Natasha, and I are watching the news. We're watching just how much the snap has effected the world.

Cap sighs. 

Steve: This is a nightmare. 

Natasha: I've had better nightmares. 

Y/N: I can't believe this happened.

Evander: Hey. 

We turn to see Evander standing there.

Evander: That thing stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing. 

The four of us then follow Evander into the lab. 

Once we walk in we see Bruce and Rhodey standing around the beeper that we found.

Y/N: I thought we bypassed the battery.

Bruce: We did, it's still plugged in. It just stopped for some reason.

Steve: Then reboot it and send the signal again.

Rhodey: Steve, we don't even know what this is.

Natasha: Fury did, you tell us as soon as you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other end of this signal.

While the others are talking my spider sense goes off.

I turn around and see a woman in a blue and red suit standing there.

Y/N: Who the hell are you?

???: My name is Carol Danvers and I'm looking for Nick Fury.

Y/N: Well, Carol Danvers, Nick Fury is dusted just like most of the people on this earth.

(Three Days Later)

After we told Carol about what happened, she went to space to look for Stark.

That happened three days ago and these last three days have gone by slowly.

I'm now sitting down at the table in the conference room.

As I'm sitting here, Evander comes over and sits down with me.

Evander: I can't believe this happened. It feels like a dream.

I look at him.

Evander: Thanos won.

I go to say something but the compound starts to shake.

After this Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Pepper, Evander and Myself go outside and we see Carol touch down with a spaceship.

Then once the ramp lowers, we see Stark who is weak, walk out with a blue lady.

Steve and I run over to help him.

Tony: I couldn't stop him.

Steve: Neither could we.

Tony looks at Steve with tears in his eyes.

Tony: I lost the kid.

Y/N: I lost a kid too.

Tony: Is Pepper...

Pepper then comes over and hugs Tony.

After this we all go inside so we can help Tony out.

Once we get back inside and Bruce takes care of Tony, we tell him everything that has happened.

Rhodey: It's been 23 days since Thanos came to earth.

Natasha: World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working...are trying to take a census and unit looks like he did...He did exactly what he said he was gonna do.

Tony: Where is he now? Where?

Steve: We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.

Tony nods and sees that Thor is upset.

Tony: What's up with him?

Rocket: He's pissed. He thinks he's failed. Which, of course he did, but there's a lot of that going around ain't there?

Tony looks at Rocket.

Tony: I'm sorry up until this exact moment I thought you were a build a bear.

Rocket: Maybe I am.

Steve: We've been searching for Thanos for three weeks now. Satellites, deep space scans and we've got nothing. Tony, you fought him?

Tony: No, I didn't. Who told you that? No, he wiped my face with a planet...while the Bleecker street magician gave away the stone. There was no fight.

Steve: Okay.

Tony: There was no fight, cause he's unbeatable.

Steve turns to Tony.

Steve: Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?

Tony: (Studders) Uh...I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't want to believe it. Thought I was dreaming.

Steve goes over to the table.

Steve: Tony, I'm gonna need you to focus.

Tony: And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry.

Tony sniffs.

Tony: You know what I need? I need a shave.

Tony goes on about how we needed a suit of armor around the world.

Steve: Well that didn't work out did it?

Tony: I said "We'd lose" and you said "We'll do that together too." Well guess what Cap? We lost and you weren't there.

After ranting Tony then looks at Carol.

Tony: You know what? We need you, your new blood. These guys are a bunch of tired old mill's.

He then looks back at Steve.

Tony: I've got nothing for you Cap, I've got no clues, no nothing.

Tony then takes his chest piece off and puts it in my hand.

Tony: Alright buddy, you take that, you put that on okay? You hear me?

Tony then falls to the floor and he passes out.

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