Chapter 99: Spider-Man Vs. The Web Warriors

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So MJ has just called us to tell us that she has information about a new threat in Queens.

Though it does sound fishy considering she could've just talked to us at my apartment.

After a few minutes of web swinging we land on a rooftop and see MJ.

Y/N: We're here.

Mary Jane: Thank you for coming Y/N.

We then see Miles and Evander land next to her.

Our spider sense starts going off. I knew something was wrong.

Y/N: Are you guys okay?

Evander: We're fine Y/N.

Y/N: Well what's this new threat? I can go take care of him and then we can go eat.

Miles: It's you, Y/N.

We chuckle and stand back.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Mary Jane: Tony told us about the suit Y/N. It's time to take it off.

Y/N: Fucking Tony. The over sized ego of that man is gonna be the death of him. Look, let's not do this. I'm fine. I'm perfect even. The suit it makes me stronger without it we wouldn't be able to keep this city safe.

Evander: That's not true. You kept this city safe for years before that suit.

Y/N: I won't take it off. I need it. So I'm gonna walk away and I suggest you three do the same.

We turn around to walk away but our spider sense goes off.

We turn around and Evander webs our hand.

Y/N: Evander. I'm warning you.

Evander: Take it off or we'll take it off for you.

Y/N: You don't have the guts.

Evander tries pulling us but we pull him towards us and kick him down.

MJ runs at us and kicks us down and we roll on our knees.

We chuckle.

Y/N: My turn.

We web her and pull her and then flip her over and slam her down.

Evander runs at us and throws a punch but we dodge it and then punch him.

Miles starts shouting webs at me but we run at him and roundhouse kick him.

We then look at the three of them.

Y/N: Don't do it.

The three of them run at me and we start fighting them.

(Five Minutes Later)

So we're still fighting with the web warriors and we've brought the fight to the other rooftop.

Miles uses his venom blast to send my flying but we web swing back to him and kick him down.

Evander grabs ahold of us and tries to take our suit off but we head butt him and kick him down again.

MJ tries to fight us but we manage to slam her down and then grab her head and smack it off the ground.

Miles tackles us down and then webs is to the ground but we break through the webs.

We stand up and Miles runs and grabs ahold of us as we start falling from the rooftop.

We start punching each other and then slam down onto the hood of car.

Y/N: Enough! We don't need this. We're done trying to convince you.

Miles: Y/N, please. Take it off. It's turning you into a monster.

Y/N: We're not a monster. We are......

Before I can say anything I get tackled to the ground.

We see Evander as he runs at us but we grab him by the throat and then throw him through a door.

MJ drops from the rooftop and comes towards us but we run and kick her into the wall.

Miles webs our hand but we pull him past us and then web him and pull him back to us and closeline him.

Y/N: Don't try it again. Don't forget who trained the three of you. We don't this anymore.

Then we web zip away.

Tony's POV

So after talking to Steve about Y/N, the two of us go into the main room and see Evander, Miles and Mj.

The three of them look beat up.

Steve: What happened?

Natasha: You wanna tell them or should I?

Tony: Tell us what?

Mary Jane: We went to see Y/N.

Tony: God damn it. What were you three thinking?

Wanda: They wanted to get the suit off him. And you know I should smack you. This is your fault, Tony. My boyfriend is hurt because you didn't say anything.

Tony: Hey, chill. I know. I know it's my fault and I've been looking for a way to take it off him.

Felicia: Yeah, well that doesn't help does it?

I look at Felicia.

Tony: You don't get to do that okay? Maybe Y/N wouldn't need the symbiote if you didn't leave.

Steve: Tony.

Tony: No, Cap. Let's be honest here. Y/N didn't just change because of that suit, he changed because you broke his heart. I mean it's the only reason why he's slept with all these woman including Wanda and Natasha.

Wanda & Natasha: Tony!

Felicia turns to Natasha and Wanda.

Felicia: You two slept....?

Wanda: It was well it was months ago.

Natasha: Well I uh...two days ago.

Felicia: Oh uh well I mean...well I can't be mad for that.

Steve: Anyways, how do you expect us to get this symbiote of him Tony?

Tony: I don't know. I mean...

Evander: Maybe it's time for the avengers to do something about it. Y/N took the three of us down but he trained us but your earths mightiest heroes. All of us against Y/N, surely we can talk to him, convince him to take it off.

Natasha: We wouldn't even know we're to find him.

Miles: That's uh...not true.

We all look at Miles.

Steve: What do you mean, kid?

Miles: I stuck a tracker on him when we were fighting. I knew he was gonna win so I figured at least we'd know where he is.

Tony: Good thinking kid.

Miles: Thanks.

Cap then looks to all of us.

Steve: Suit up. Time to save a friend.

Then we all go suit up in hopes of being able to save Y/N from himself.

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