Chapter 74: From The Sky

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(Queens, New York, October 2015, Y/N's Age: 23)


So today Felicia, Barry and I are gonna spend the day together.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I grab my phone from the stand.

I see I have a text from Miles and I tell him I'll see him tomorrow.

Then I head out into the living room and see Barry playing on the floor.

Barry: Dad, come play with me.

Y/N: I'll be right there, Bar.

I walk into the kitchen and see Felicia getting a basket ready and I go over and wrap my arms around her waist.

Y/N: Hi.

Felicia: Hi there.

Y/N: So I was thinking that after the park we could go see that new movie Barry has been bugging us about.

Felicia: It's animated.

Y/N: But I love animated movies.

Felicia laughs.

Felicia: Don't I know it? The stand with the tv is full of them.

Y/N: Well there my collection.

Felicia: Okay fine. We'll go see the movie.

Felicia's phone beeps and she grabs it.

Felicia: I have to take this, finish that please.

Y/N: I got it.

Felicia then walks into the other room and I finish packing the basket.

After this, I go into the living room and sit down with Barry.

Barry: Dad, will I ever be like you?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Barry: You know, Spider-Man.

Y/N: Oh I uh....I'm not sure. Maybe.

Barry: So I could be like you?

Y/N: Hey, just focus on being a kid right now.

Barry: All right, dad.

After a few minutes I look and see Felicia walk into the room.

Y/N: Hey, everything okay?

Felicia: Yep. Everything's fine.

Y/N: You sure? Who was on the phone?

Felicia: Wrong number. It's all good, Y/N.

Y/N: A few minutes for a wrong number.

Felicia: Let's just go okay.

Y/N: All right. Come on, Bar.

Barry: Yay! The park.

Then Felicia, Barry and I head to the park.

(Several Hours Later)

So after spending all day with Felicia and Barry, we're now walking through the park.

Barry is sleeping in the scroller as we stop at the bridge and look up at the sky.

Felicia: It's so beautiful tonight.

Y/N: It really is.

I look over at Felicia and she seems down about something.

Y/N: Are you okay?

She looks at me.

Felicia: Oh yeah. I'm fine.

Y/N: Hey, you can tell me anything.

Felicia: I promise you. I'm fine.

Y/N: Okay. I believe you.

Felicia and I lean in and kiss.

Once we pull away we look forward and see something come down from the sky.

It then crashes into the ground nearby.

Felicia: Whoa. What was that?

Y/N: I don't know. Stay here.

I go to jump over but she grabs my hand.

Felicia: Hey, be careful.

Y/N: I will. Don't worry.

After this I jump over the bridge and land on the ground.

I walk over and see a big hole in the ground.

As 3 looking down my spider sense goes off as the ground breaks.

I then fall down into the hole.

Y/N: Damn it.

I brush myself off and then stand up.

I look around and see a rock in the hole.

I go over and bend down but before I can pick it up I hear Felicia call out.

Felicia: Babe.

I look behind me and see Felicia standing above me.

Felicia: What are you doing?

Y/N: Just stay there.

I look back down and pick up the rock.

I stare at it for a moment and think it must be some sort of space rock.

Y/N: It's some sort of space rock.

Felicia: Well let's take it to the compound and have Tony examine it.

Y/N: Yeah just give me a moment.

Felicia: All right.

I look around for a moment and I couldn't find anything else.

Then I go back up to Felicia.

Y/N: There's nothing else here.

Felicia: Well you go get it examined and I'll take Barry home.

Y/N: Alright. Love you.

I give Felicia a quick kiss.

Y/N: See you at home.

Felicia: You too.

Then I go behind the bush and change into my suit given my suit was under my clothes.

I come out from behind the bush and put my mask on.

Third Person Perspective

Before Y/N swings away a black alien life form crawls up to him.

He jumps up as the black alien form attaches to his boot.

Y/N then swings off to see Tony at the compound.

(One Hour Later)


So I'm now at the compound and Tony is examining the space rock I found.

Y/N: So what'd you think?

Tony: Honestly I have no idea. I've never seen anything like this before.

Y/N: So could it just be nothing.

Tony: I mean it's possible. Did you see anything else where you found it?

Y/N: No, I looked around, didn't see anything.

Tony: All right. Well I keep looking at it.

Y/N: All right.

Tony: So, are you okay?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Tony: You just seen tense today.

Y/N: Oh uh I don't know. Felicia is being distant and I'm just worried.

Tony: Why?

Y/N: Usually when she becomes distant she tends to revert to...

Tony: Black Cat the criminal.

Y/N: Ah, I'm just be paranoid. I'll talk to you later alright?

Tony: Yeah.

After this I head back home to Felicia.

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