Chapter 38: Meeting Miles

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(Two Days Later)


So yesterday I found out that the Demons have taken over Kingpin's empire and shocker is working for them.

I also met a man named Jefferson Davis who I helped out, though he also helped me out and Mary Jane did a story on him. He's also being honored at City Hall.

Anyways, after saving Fisk's men and stopping a helicopter the Demons had, I am now at the ceremony at City Hall.

Mary Jane is also with me and the two of us are standing together.

Mary Jane: So?

Y/N: I think this gang war may finally be over.

Mary Jane:, over...over?

Y/N: Well...I mean there's some loose ends that still need to be tied up. But...

Mary Jane: Loose ends?

I then tell MJ about the truck leaving the construction site.

Mary Jane: Well maybe after this we can grab some coffee, work on it together.

Y/N: Yeah, um...yeah. or instead of coffee we could get dinner instead? I could come over to and cook.

She looks up at me.

Y/N: Or we could meet up at a totally neutral location. Completely normal place cooked by professionals.

MJ laughs at this.

After a few minutes my spider sense begin going off and I know something is not right.

When I look around and I see a person in the crowd start glowing.

I move towards them to stop what's going to happen.

I see Martin Li standing there and his hands were glowing the same colour.

I realize that Martin Li is working with the Demon's.

Explosions start happening and I go to tackle MJ out of the way.

Y/N: Get down!

I then black out from the explosion.

(One Week Later)

So it's been a week since the explosion happened and I found out that many people had died at City Hall and one of them was Jeff.

I'm now at Jeff's funeral with MJ as he's being honoured for his sacrifice.

After the funeral I go over to Jeff's son Miles and I talk to him.

Y/N: I'm sorry for your loss.

He looks at me.

Miles: Do I know you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N L/N. I was at City Hall when... look I know you don't know me, but I just wanted to say...

Miles: "I know what your going through."

I tilt my head.

Miles: That's what you were gonna say right? "I know what your going through." Or "It all gets easier with time." Or "Don't worry, it's part of God's plan."

Y/N: I'm sorry, I was just...

Miles: Just trying to help. I know.

Miles then walks off.

Miles' mother Rio then comes over to me.

Rio: I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I'm gonna do with him.

(One Hour Later)

I'm now on a roof top thinking about what happened.

I called Yuri to see if they were gonna start looking for Martin Li but she tells me she can't as it's just a hunch from Spider-Man.

I then call MJ.

Y/N: Hey, it's me.

Mary Jane: Hey what are you thinking?

Y/N: I'm thinking I fucked up. And that kid lost his father.

MJ sighs.

Mary Jane: I know you too well to say you should give yourself a break. What about the police? Do they have any leads on Li?

Y/N: They aren't looking for him. Even Yuri doesn't believe me.

Mary Jane: Then it's up to us to find him. I've been doing some research. Go to this address. Martin Li bought a controlling interest in this recycling center last year.

Y/N: You think he's out hiding there?

Mary Jane: Maybe. We know he's not at Feast. If he's not at the recycling center, maybe you'll find some evidence as to where he might be.

Y/N: Okay, got it. Good work MJ. I'll let you know what I find.

Mary Jane: Oh one more thing. I talked to the detective about questioning the arrested Demon's. They're all claiming Martin Li has the power to, quote, "corrupt" people.

Y/N: Corrupt? What the fuck does that mean?

Mary Jane: I guess it's like mind control and it brings out the negative part of you.

Y/N: Seriously? That sounds a like far-fetched.

She chuckles.

Mary Jane: This coming from the guy who can run up walls.

Y/N: Okay, fair point.

Mary Jane hangs up and I head to the recycling center to look for any leads on Martin Li.

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