Chapter 87: Loneliness

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(One Week Later)


So it's been a week since the other avengers fought Crossbones in Lagos and it's taken a hit on everyone's morale.

It's more on Wanda as she blames herself for what happened.

Right now I'm in the gym area and I'm training with a punching bag.

After a few minutes I hear footsteps and I turn around and see Natasha walk inside.

Natasha: Hey.

I don't answer her and just continue to punch the bag.

Natasha: Are you okay? Your acting less like your usual energetic self.

I still don't answer her.

After a moment or so she comes over and puts her hands on the punching bag.

Y/N: Let go.

Natasha: Not until you talk to me.

Y/N: What the hell do you care anyway?

Natasha: Because I care about you, Y/N and I'm here for you.

Y/N: Whatever.

I turn around and start to walk away.

Natasha: Hey don't walk away when I'm talking to you.

She grabs my arm but I grab her and flip her over onto the ground.

Y/N: Don't touch me.

She pushes me back and then stands up.

Natasha: I don't know what's going on with you lately but...

Y/N: But what?

Natasha: Nothing I just wanna make sure you're okay.

Y/N: My girlfriend left Natasha. The mother of my child left, abandoned us. So you tell me how am I supposed to act? Am I supposed to walk around like everything's okay? I mean this whole thing with the avengers just proves my point. Everything is not fine.

Natasha: That's a pretty low statement don't you think? We're gonna get through this.

I laugh.

Y/N: Then your stupid for thinking that. I already know what's gonna happen.

Natasha: What?

Y/N: There gonna come for Wanda and Evander won't be able to do anything about it.

Natasha: Fuck you, Y/N.

Y/N: No, fuck you. I'm speaking the truth and you know it. The Avengers are a time bomb Natasha, it's no wonder we haven't seen Bruce. He knows it better than anyone of us, fuck he even said it four years ago. The Avengers are a joke.

Natasha: What'd you just say?

Y/N: You heard me. Bruce abandoned you. He abandoned all of us. How does that make you feel?

Natasha looks down.

Natasha: You dick.

She looks back up and runs at me and flips me on to the ground.

I grab her and roll her over.

Y/N: Careful, Romanoff. The last time a girl saw me like this I took her out for dinner.

Natasha: In your dreams.

She head butts me and I stumble back.

She runs at me and tackles me to the ground.

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