Chapter 133: Redefining Hope

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Third Person Perspective

In Russia, Herman Schultz has just gotten out of a car, he's meeting with the kingpin.

Herman walks down the docks where he has men waiting for him.

The men take him inside the building where Wilson Fisk a.k.a Kingpin is currently standing in front of a window.

Kingpin: Five long years. That's how long the world has been in destruction. Men, woman, kids, all dusted.

Kingpin turns to Herman.

Kingpin: Life as we know it changed.

Herman: I don't mean to intrude, Kingpin. But Spider-Man...

Kingpin: Is dead.

Herman: He uh attacked.

Kingpin chuckles.

Kingpin: A minor inconvenience.

Herman: Inconvenience? He's changed, he no longer cares for the well being of others. I'm worried.

Kingpin: I've outlasted Spider-Man before I'll do it again.

Up above at a window, Y/N has crawled inside and closes the window.

He sees Kingpin and Shocker.

Down below, Kingpin sits down.

Kingpin: I will destroy Spider-Man if he ever comes around again.

Suddenly Herman is webbed up and pulled to the ground.

Kingpin stands up as Y/N flips in the air and lands on the ground.


Once I land on the ground, I look at Kingpin.

Y/N: I found you.

Kingpin: Thirteen years of this nonsense, Spider-Man. When will it end?

Y/N: Right now.

I web zip forward and kick Kingpin in the chest.

He stumbles back.

Kingpin: You couldn't stop me before even with black cats help. You won't stop me now.

Third Person Perspective

Y/N rushes at Kingpin and the two of them start fighting each other.

Kingpin grabs ahold of Y/N and throws him into the wall, he runs at him and tackles him through the wall as the both of them crash to the ground.

Kingpin goes to punch Y/N but he moves out of the way.

Y/N then kicks Kingpin in the face.

(Five Minutes Later)


So Kingpin and I have been fighting for the last five minutes, the two of us have been beating the shit out of each other.

I run and jump through the air but he grabs me and starts squeezing me.

Y/N: Ahh!!!

I punch him in the face but he throws me to the building and I stick on the side of it.

Y/N: You're done.

I web a dumpster and throw it at him but he catches it.

He then throws it back and I go to dodge it but the side of it gets me.

Kingpin comes over and punches me in the face, he then kicks me before throwing me into a pole.

I fall to the ground.

Kingpin: Always the hero, huh Y/N?

Y/N: I'm not a hero.

Kingpin: No, you're really not, are you?

He comes over to me and I go punch him but he catches my fist.

Kingpin: Thirteen years I've been waiting for this. You were right. It is time to finish this.

He clenches his fist and goes to punch me, before he can he's suddenly punched and goes flying and falls into the ocean.

I turn and see Evander standing there.

Y/N: No! Why? He was mine.

Evander: Leave him, Y/N. It's time to come back.

I stand up.

Y/N: I can't.

I start to walk.

Evander grabs my hand but I push him away.

Y/N: Get off me.

Evander: Y/N, we have a way to bring everyone back but we need you.

Y/N: No. There's no way to bring them back. It's over.

Evander: Yes there is.

I shake my head and then turn around and jump up and web swing away.

After a moment or two of web swinging, I land on a building but Evander lands in front of me.

Y/N: Leave me alone.

Evander: Y/N, please. We can't do this without you.

Y/N: You've done a good job so far. You and Natasha got it.

Evander: I know it's tough. But we found a way, we can bring Felicia back, Wanda, everyone we lost. We can bring them back. We can bring Barry back.

Y/N: Don't say his name.

Evander: Y/N, we can bring Barry back.

Y/N: I said don't say his name!

I rush at Evander but he uppercuts me and I fall to the ground.

I get back up and rush at him and punch him in the face.

I then kick him back.

The two of us start fighting, while we also yell at each other.

I go to punch him again but I see him get angry, he then explodes into anger and takes me down and starts punching me.

As he does this, tears fall down my eyes.

Evander: You made me a hero! You did! I needed you and you left! You didn't come back!

He punches me again.

Evander: Why?!?!? Why didn't you stay?!?!?

He goes to punch me again but stops.

He then sits down. He punches the ground.

Evander: We can bring everyone back.

I sit up and sniff.

Y/N: I don't want it.

Evander: Want what?

Y/N: Hope.

Evander: That's all we have right now.

Evander stands up and then holds his hand out.

I take it and he helps me up.

He puts my arm over his shoulder and we start walking.

Evander: I just won this fight didn't I?

I laugh.

Y/N: If you tell anyone I'll deny it.

Evander: I'd be sad if you didn't.

Evander and I laugh at this and then we head back to Queens.

I don't want hope but if there's a chance to bring everyone back then I have to go through with it, I have nothing left to lose.

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