Chapter 98: The Truth Is Revealed

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(The Next Day)


So after Cole and I talked yesterday the two of us went to a bar where we picked up a girl.

We then went back to my apartment and had some fun.

After waking up and getting dressed the girl we were with last night decides to leave.

After we walk her to the door we open it up and our eyes widen when we see Felicia.

Felicia: Hi, Y/N.

The girl walks past her.

We scoff and let her in.

Felicia: It's a mess in here. Where's Barry?

Y/N: At Jills. He and I aren't exactly on speaking terms right now.

She turns to me.

Felicia: Why not?

Y/N: Does it matter? What do you want, Felicia?

Felicia: Well MJ called me.

Y/N: God, I'm so sick and tired of hearing from everyone. We haven't changed. We're perfectly fine.

Felicia: We?

Y/N: Me. I'm fine. So you can go.

Felicia: You don't seem fine and it's my fault. I know that and I've been thinking about it for the last few months.

Y/N: I don't wanna hear it. Go talk to somebody who gives a shit.

We walk past her.

Felicia: What's wrong with you?

We turn around to her.

Y/N: The girl I loved left me and our son. She abandoned us and when I found her she told me to walk away. So you tell me, am I supposed to just forgive that?

Felicia: Of course not and I know I have to earn your trust back and thats why I'm here.

We scoff.

Y/N: Look I'm busy today. So if you don't mind.

Felicia: I know I told you to walk away and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for leaving and I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I just....I want to earn your trust back. I want you to trust me again.

Y/N: I don't want to, Felicia. I don't love you anymore. I don't need you anymore. And I don't want you here. So get out.

After we say this Felicia immediately leaves.

Felicia's POV

I was heartbroken by what Y/N said. I know that it's my fault for what happened and I knew that I'd have to earn him back but I didn't expect to see him the way he is.

After I head downstairs I realize that it was true.

He has changed and I don't think it's just because of me.

Tony's POV

So I'm now at the compound as I've been looking for a way to get the symbiote off Y/N.

I've been searching for two months and I've discovered nothing.

After a few minutes I see everyone come into the lab.

Tony: What's the occasion?

Mary Jane: It's Y/N.

Tony: Shit.

Mary Jane: What's wrong, Tony?

Felicia: What's wrong is that Y/N has changed and I don't think it's just because me.

I see Felicia walk into the lab.

Tony: Welcome back.

I stand up and sigh.

Tony: I have to tell you all something.

Steve: Tell us what?

Tony: I know why Y/N has changed.

Natasha: You do?

Tony: Have any of you guys ever heard of a symbiote?

They all look confused.

Tony: Right.

I go over to the monitor and pull up a picture of the symbiote.

Tony: Eight months ago, right before Felicia left. You and Y/N found a space rock.

Felicia: I remember.

Tony: That space rock was actually an alien. It attached itself to Y/N and for the last eight months he's been walking around wearing it.

Evander: That suit he wears is actually an alien?

Tony: Yes.

Steve: Wait, wait. Tony, back up. You knew about this?

I then tell them all about what the symbiote does and how it changes a person.

I also tell them how it makes a person more aggressive.

Felicia: So you knew he was wearing this, you knew it was changing him and you didn't think to say anything?

Tony: He said he would control it and for a while he did. I mean he's Y/N, he's Spider-Man. I didn't say anything because if anyone could fight it, it's him.

Mary Jane: Tony, he's pushed every single one of us away. He's brutalized criminals. He's pushed his son away to the point where he'd rather stay at a babysitters and you believe that he could fight it?

Tony: Look I know what I did was wrong.

Felicia: Do you? Cause it seems to me like you don't.

Tony: I'm sorry where have you been the last eight months?

Steve: Tony, what do we do?

Tony: I have no idea. I've been looking for the last two months of how to get it off but I can't figure it out. I've been pouring everything into it because I know that it's my fault. I could've, no I should've taken it when I found out.

Evander: So the symbiote bonded to him and we have to unbond him from
It. Why don't we just talk to him?

Cole: We've tried that.

Tony: Don't worry guys. I'm gonna figure this out.

Evander's POV

After I leave the lab, I suit up and I walk out and see Mary Jane in her suit.

Evander: What are you doing?

Mary Jane: Well I'm not just gonna let you talk to him by yourself.

Evander: I'll call Miles.

Mary Jane: I'll call Y/N.

Evander: Should we tell the others?

Evander: Not yet. We can handle it and then they can thank us when we get it off him.

Mary Jane and I then head to Miles and I just hope we're able to take the symbiote off Y/N.

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