Chapter 23: S.H.I.E.L.D. Comes Calling

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(A/N: Just a reminder of the events this story will go over. I don't have names for the movies yet but when I do I'll tell you guys.)

Spider-Man: Kingpin Of Crime
Spider-Man: Phase Two Movie (TBA)
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Spider-Man: Phase Two Movie (TBA)
Captain America: Civil War
Spider-Man: Phase Three Movie (TBA)
Thor: Ragnarok
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Spider-Man: Crisis On Infinite Earths

(A/N: Also if there's any events you'd like to see this story go over please feel free to give ideas.)

(Queens, New York, May 2012, Y/N's Age: 20)


So I'm currently out patrolling the city and after stopping a car theft, I continue on my patrol.

As I'm web swinging, I see a young woman in an alley being attacked by four men.

I drop down to the alley.

Y/N: Hey, didn't your mother ever teach fine manners towards woman?

The men turn around.

Men #1: Get outta here, Web-head before you get what's coming to you.

Y/N: Oh and what would that be?

Men #2: You're body in a body bag.

Y/N: Oh I'm shaking in my boots.

Men #1: Kill the freak.

The men run at me and jump in the air and kick one of them down, the second man throws a punch but I catch his fist and throw him in the wall.

The third man tries to stab me with a knife but I web his face and then kick him.

I then jump in the air and web the fourth guy and hang him from a pole.

Y/N: There now you all can take a nap until the police arrive.

Woman: Thank you, thank you Spider-Man. God bless you.

Y/N: All in days work ma'am.

She then kicks one of them and I nod as I jump in the air and web swing home for the day.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

I'm now at home and I climb in the window and shut it.

Then I turn around and my spider sense goes off and I jump up to the ceiling and spin around and see a man with an eye patch sitting at the kitchen table.

Y/N: Who the hell are you?

He laughs.

???: That's pretty cool how you can stick to ceilings like that, Mr. L/N.

My eyes widen as he knows who I am.

Y/N: Who the hell are you?

???: My name is Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Y/N: Well Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. you sir have a long name.

Nick: Just call me Nick.

Y/N: Okay, Nick. Now do you mind telling me why exactly your sitting in my apartment.

He sets on file on the table.

Nick: How about you come down from the ceiling and find out?

I drop from the ceiling and take off my mask.

I go over to the table and look at the file and it has the word "TESSERACT" on it and bold letters.

I open the file and there is a picture of a blue cube.

Y/N: What's this?

Nick Fury: The Tesseract is a powerful object that belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D. Howard Stark fished it out of the Atlantic trying to find Captain America. Now its been stolen by a guy named Loki.

Y/N: Wait, did you just say Captain America?

Nick: Yeah.

Y/N: Oh my god. I have all his trading cards. I made comic books of him when I was younger.

Nick: Yeah well he's not exactly a comic book guy.

Y/N: You know him?

He just stays silent so I decide to change the subject.

Y/N: Who's Loki?

Nick Fury: Well, let's just say he's not from around here.

Y/N: And what do you want me to do?

Nick: Your help with getting it. I've read your file, your a smart kid.

Y/N: Thanks.

Nick: And we could use your spider powers to. The world is becoming a strange place.

Y/N: Yeah, you're telling me. Wait, if you've known about me all this time, why are you just coming to me now?

Nick: Because Mr. L/N, I didn't need you then. Besides, I'm trying to be more lenient on the people who have powers.

Y/N: Why do I find that hard to believe?

He laughs.

Nick: I'll take that as a "Yes."

Y/N: Sure.

Nick: Good. There's a lot more to catch you up on. But for now you can follow me.

Y/N: To where?

Nick: Do you want a new suit?

Y/N: What?

Nick: I had a few of my guys make you a new suit.

Y/N: Sure.

Nick: Great.

Then I follow Nick out of my apartment.

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