Chapter 25: God Of Mischief

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So, we make it to Germany and we see that Loki is standing over a bunch of people and is about to kill one of them.

Steve and I jump down and Steve uses his shield to block Loki's energy shot from his staff.

Steve: You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing.

Loki stands up.

Loki: The Soldier. The man out of time.

Loki looks at me.

Loki: And the Ultimate Spider-Man. So much greatness. So much potential. You and I could be gods together.

Y/N: I'll pass.

Loki: What a shame.

Steve: I'm not the one who's out of time.

Natasha: Loki, drop the weapon and stand down.

Loki then takes a shot at the quintet but Natasha manages to dodge it.

Steve then rushes Loki and the two start to fight but Loki ends up knocking Steve down.

Then I web swing at him and kick him down to the ground.

He then stands up and shoots at me multiple times but I dodge the blasts.

I then run at him and start trying to punch him
he just dodged my punches then he kicks me down.

I then jump into the air and flip and go to kick him but he knocks me down to a knee with his scepter.

He then points his scepter at the back of my head.

Loki: Kneel boy.

I move the scepter.

Y/N: Not today.

I then roundhouse kick Loki in the face and send him backwards again.

Y/N: I'll never join you.

Loki: Then you will die by my hand.

I jump at Loki but he knocks me down and then kicks me sending me back

Then I hear music playing and I look up and I see Iron-man and he blasts Loki to the ground.

Then when he lands, he points his weapons at Loki.

Tony: Make your move reindeer games.

Loki then surrenders.

Stark lowers his weapons.

Tony Good move.

Steve and I walk over to him.

Steve: Mr. Stark.

Tony: Captain.

Stark then looks at me.

Tony: And you must be Spider-Man.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

Tony: I've heard a lot about you.

Y/N: Likewise.

Then the three of us take Loki back to the quinjet.

(One Hour Later)

We are now on the jet heading back to the helicarrier.

Natasha is talking to Fury over comms, while Steve, Stark and I keep and eye on Loki.

Nick: Has he said anything?

Natasha: Not a thing.

Nick: Just get him back here.

Steve: I don't like it.

Tony: What? The rock of ages gave up so easily?

Steve: I'm just saying, I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a punch.

Y/N: Well, you are pretty spry for an older fellow. What's your thing, Cap, Pilates?

He was confused by this.

Steve: What?

Tony: Oh, it's like calisthenics. You may have missed a couple things doing time as a cap sickle.

I chuckle at this.

Steve: Fury didn't tell us he was bringing you in.

Tony: There's a lot Fury doesn't tell us.

Then we hear lightning outside and I look at Loki who seemed nervous.

Y/N: What's the matter, sweetheart? Scared of a little lightning?

Loki: I'm not overly fond of what follows.

Then we hear a thud coming from on top of the quinjet.

Stark then puts his helmet on.

Then a big guy comes down into the jet.

Stark and I go to attack him but he just knocks us down.

Tony: And now there's that guy.

Natasha: Another Asgardian?

Steve: That guy's a friendly?

Tony: Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him the tesseract is lost.

Steve: Wait, Stark. We need a plan of attack!

Tony: I have a plan. Attack.

Then Stark dives out of the jet as I stand up and put my mask on.

I then go to the end of the quinjet.

Steve: L/N, wait.

Y/N: Sorry, Captain. But I don't like people excluding me from the fun. It's a big pet peeve of mine.

Then I jump out of the quinjet and use my web shooters to create a parachute as I dive down just as Stark and the big guy crash down into the ground.

Then as the big guy stands up I kick him down.

I then help Stark up to his feet.

Tony: Thanks.

Y/N: After you.

Then Stark and I team up against the big guy until Rogers comes in and throws his shield at the three of us and the shield goes back to him.

Steve: Hey! That's enough!

He drops down in front of us.

Steve: Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here...

???; I've come to put an end to Loki's schemes.

Steve: Okay, prove it. Put the hammer down.

Tony: Oh, yeah, no. Bad call. He loves his little hammer.

He hits Tony and sends him flying into a tree.

Thor: You want me to put the hammer down!?

Rogers lifts his shield up as the hammer hits the shield which causes an explosion that sends the three of us flying down to the ground.

Then the three of us stand up and Stark stands up.

Steve: Are we done, here?

The big guy nods and then we take Loki back to the quinjet.

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