Chapter 86: Unseen Aggression

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(Queens, New York, April, 2016, Y/N's Age: 24)


I wake up and my vision becomes clear and I see I'm in my bed with two woman laying next to me, two blondes.

(A/N: I forgot to put in the prologue that Y/N has become a playboy.)

I gently get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I then splash water on my face.

After that I leave the bathroom and go into the bedroom and see the two girls wake up.

Karli: Y/N, aren't you gonna come back to bed, handsome?

Maxine: Yeah, come back.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Definitely.

I then jump back into bed with them.

(One Hour Later)

So after bringing the girls home I start patrolling the city. I'm by myself as Miles is in San Francisco for a field trip.

After stopping a few criminals I hear that once again the bank is being robbed.

I go to the bank and drop to the ground.

The I walk inside.

I start clapping.

The criminals turn to me.

Criminal #1: It's the web-head! Get him.

I clap louder.

Criminal #2: Why are you clapping?

Y/N: Oh me?

I laugh.

Y/N: Because it seems like you criminals get even stupider. Six years of this shit and you criminals still rob the bank. Doesn't it ever get old?

One of them runs at me and punch him in the face and due to my new strength it instantly knocks him out.

Y/N: I mean honestly. I've been doing this and doing this and doing this. I've never even been given a thank you.

The second one runs at me and I elbow him and then throw him into the wall.

Y/N: Personally I'd stop but you know. Superhero and all.

The rest of them run at me and I start taking them.

The last one punches me and part of my mask comes off but I just stand there.

He then runs past me and my mask covers my face again.

I laugh and turn around and then I web zip at him and kick him to the ground.

Y/N: When are you criminals gonna learn? I'm Spider-Man. The Ultimate Spider-Man.

I grab him and drag him over to a car and slam him through the glass.

Y/N: I'm so sick of this shit! I mean I give her everything. I let her go and yet she leaves, I find her and she tells me to walk away.

I then throw him to the ground.

Y/N: These last six years I've given everything to this city, to my family. To the avengers. When is enough, enough!

I bend down and start punching the shit out of him.

Y/N: Huh!?!?

I punch him again.

I hear sirens as I continue to punch him.

Yuri: Spider-Man stop! You're gonna kill him!

I go to punch him again but I listen to Yuri and stand up.

Then I pick him up and throw him near the officers.

Yuri: Get him out of here.

The officers take him away.

Yuri then comes over to me.

Yuri: What the hell is your problem?

Y/N: I'm fine.

I turn around and start to walk away.

Yuri: That doesn't look fine, Y/N. You could've killed him.

Y/N: Whatever. One less criminal to deal with.

Yuri: That's not like you. What's wrong?

I turn around to her.

Y/N: Nothings wrong. I'm just tired of criminals still robbing banks, still killing, still being criminals. You'd think after six years of the avengers being around they'd get it.

Yuri: You can't stop crime in the world. It's just part of life. That's why there's this thing called the police station.

Y/N: Yeah, well I've been doing your job for six years. You've never even shown me gratitude.

Yuri: Wow. That's low. Coming from you. I thought we were friends.

Y/N: Whatever. I have to go. There's more guys in there.

I start walking away.

Yuri: For what it's worth. I am thankful for you, Y/N.

I scoff and jump up and web swing away.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

I'm now back at the apartment and I climb in through my window.

My suit disappears and I'm now in my regular clothes.

I walk over to the dresser and look down.

Y/N: Ahhhh!!!!

Then I slide everything off.

I then hear a knock at the door.

Y/N: Go away.

Jill: Uh, Barry's...

Y/N: I said go away!!!

Jill: Sorry. I was just gonna tell you that I brought Barry home.

I go and sit down on the bed and rub my hands through my hair.

After a moment or so I go out into the living room and see Jill sitting on the couch.

Y/N: Hey, I'm sorry for getting loud.

Jill: It's okay.

Y/N: Look, uh...Is your mom home?

Jill: No she's out.

Y/N: Could you possibly keep Barry over night?

Jill: Sure it's no problem.

Y/N: Thanks.

Jill: Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine. Barry's stuff is his bedroom.

Jill walks past me as my phone beeps.

I take it out and it's Steve.

He then tells me I need to come to the compound.

Apparently a mission in Lagos went sideways and now we have to go help out.

God can't we catch a break?

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