Chapter 83: Final Confrontation

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Miles and I make it to the bridge and see Olivia in the middle of it.

Miles and I web swing and land a distance from her.

Y/N: So this is your plan. Blow up New York and escape through the ocean.

Olivia: A big price to pay for your death.

Y/N: I know you blame me for what happened to Otto but it wasn't my fault. Otto was sick king before I came around.

Olivia: It was your fault! He was cured! But no matter. Everything you touch dies.

As we're talking Barry wakes up.

Barry: Dad! Dad, what's going on? Im scared.

Y/N: Hey bud. Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay.

Barry: Please. I wanna go home.

Y/N: Let him go Olivia.

Olivia: Okay.

Olivia then throws him over the bridge.

Y/N: No!!!!

I start running and honestly it felt like the whole world froze.

I run and jump over the bridge as I dive down to Barry.

Barry: Ahhh!!!!

Y/N: Come on!

I make it to him and catch him and then I shoot out a web that attaches to the bridge.

Barry holds onto me tightly.

Barry: Dad. Dad. Please don't drop me.

Y/N: It's okay. It's okay. We're not gonna drop you.

Then I bring Barry back up to the bridge.

Y/N: I saved him.

Olivia: So it seems.

A car comes towards me as I stop it.

I go to the door and open it up and then look at man and woman.

Y/N: Get him out of here. Keep him safe.

I put Barry in the car.

Barry: Dad. Dad.

I give him a hug.

Y/N: Your gonna be fine. Please, get him out of here.

They nod and then I close the car door.

Y/N: Go!

The car then drives away.

I then walk over to Miles.

Y/N: It's over Olivia.

Olivia: No! It'll never be over.

Olivia throws a car at Miles and I but we both dive out of the way.

We both look at each other and nod.

The two of us then stand up as we rush at Olivia.

Third Person Perspective

The fight between Spider-Man, Ghost Spider and Lady Ock began.

Spider-Man due to the strength of his suit was able to get quite a few good punches on her.

Ghost Spider turns invisible as Lady Ock tries to hit him but Ghost Spider appears behind her and hits her in the back of the head.

Lady Ock throws Ghost Spider away as Spider-Man jumps at her and the two begin fighting.

A distance away on the bridge a large semi truck with a big tank attached to it start driving towards them.

Lady Ock punches Spider-Man as his mask breaks away leaving part of his face and the symbiote.

Spider-Man takes out his talons which turned black and then stabbed Lady Ock in the ribs and she screams and throws him off her as he lands on the ground.

He runs back at her as the two go flying through the air while punching each other as they crash into the road.

The driver of the semi sees them both as he tries to turn the semi but the tank starts turning as the semi crashes.

Lady Ock stands up from the ground as she walks towards Spider-Man.


My mask uncovers as I see Olivia walking towards me.

Olivia: You took Ottos life from him. So now it's fair that yours is taken to.

One of the arms turns into a sword as Olivia sends it towards me but I catch it.

I feel the anger rise in my body as I start standing.

Y/N: Don't you get it? We are not at fault for what Otto did. Otto killed my mother, Otto poisoned this city. If anyone is at fault, it's him. It's not us! We're innocent!

I push her away and then web zip at her and kick her down.

The arms come at me again as my spider sense goes off and jump into the air and grab onto them and then web them up.

I then punch her again and land on the ground.

Then I see Miles coming towards me.

Miles: Is it over?

Y/N: Yeah. It's over.

I hear Olivia laughing and turn around.

She stands up.

Olivia: You think it's over? You don't see it. But I do. And this whole world will see it. Whatever Spider-Man touches dies. You ruin everything.

Then I hear Tony over the comms.

Tony: Y/N, we stopped the bombs.

Y/N: It's over, Olivia. Your bombs didn't work.

Olivia: Like I said, Y/N. By the time this is over someone will die.

My spider sense goes off as I see gasoline on the ground.

Y/N: Don't!

I run towards Olivia and shoot out a web but she turns and runs towards the semi.

I shoot out a web but it was too late. The semi explodes as I go flying backwards and crash into the ground.

I start coughing as I stand up.

Miles then comes over to me.

Miles: Why did she do that?

Y/N: I have no idea.

Miles: She's dead.

Y/N: Come on. I have to go see my son.

Miles and I then head back so I can get Barry.

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