Chapter 93: The Raft Visit

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(Upstate New York)

Tony's POV

After leaving the airport Vision and I take Rhodey back to the compound.

He got hurt while he and I were chasing after the quinjet.

As I'm standing outside with Vision and we are talking I see Nat come in.

She and I then leave to discuss what happened back in Germany.

After I explain to her about Rhodey's injuries, I tell her I'm gonna head to the raft.

As I'm on my way to the raft, I discover that Steve and Y/N were telling the truth about the doctor.

Once I got to the Raft, Ross takes me to see the other's.

I walk in and I immediately hear clapping.

Clint: The futurist! Ladies and gentleman! The futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not.

I walk towards Clint's cell.

Tony: Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'd put you here. Come on.

Clint spits on the floor.

Clint: Yeah, well. You knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony.

Tony: Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. This place is for maniacs. This place is for...

Clint: Criminals?

Clint stands up and walks over to the cell door.

Clint: Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Y/N, Or Sam, Or Wanda. Or Steve. But here we are.

Tony: Because you broke the law.

Clint: Yeah.

Tony: I didn't make you.

Clint: La, la, la, la, la, la...

Tony: You read it, you broke it. You're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?

Clint: You gotta watch your back with this guy. There's a chance he's gonna break it.

I start walking away and I see the new guy in his cell.

???: Hank Pym always said you never can trust a Stark.

Tony: Who are you?

I then go over to Sam's cell.

Sam: How's Rhodes?

Tony: They're flying him to Colombia medical tomorrow. So, fingers crossed. What do you need? They feed you yet?

Sam faces me.

Sam: You're the good cop, now?

I then lean against the cell door.

Tony: I'm just the guy who wants to know where Steve and Y/N went.

Sam: Well, you better go get a bad cop...because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my get information out of me.

I use my watch to knock the Raft's AV out.

Tony: I just knocked the A out of their AV. We've got about 30 seconds until they realize it's not a technical glitch.

I use my watch to show the information that FRIDAY showed me on the chopper.

Tony: So, this was the guy that was suppose to interrogate Barnes. Clearly I made a mistake, Sam, I'm sorry I was wrong.

Sam: That's a first.

Tony: Spidey and Cap are definitely on the reservation and they're gonna need all the help they can get. Look we don't know each other that well so you don't have to...

Sam: No, no it's alright. Look I'll tell you where they are but you have to go alone and as a friend.

Tony: Easy.

After talking to Sam I find out that Y/N and Steve are heading to Siberia to find the doctor.

I then go to the chopper with Ross following me.

Ross: Stark, did he give you anything on Rogers and L/N?

Tony: Nope, he told me to go to hell. I'm going back to the compound instead, but you can call me anytime. I'll leave you on hold as I like to watch the line blink.

I close the chopper door and take off.

Once I'm in the air I activate my suit that's installed in the chopper.

I then fly off to Siberia to catch up to Y/N and Cap.



After a long flight to Siberia we arrive and land near the entrance.

The three of us then leave the quinjet.

Once we get closer we see that the door to the base is open.

Y/N: He couldn't have been here more than a few hours. 

Bucky: That's long enough to wake them up. 

The three of us the head inside to find the doctor.

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