Chapter 66: Scott Lang

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Third Person Perspective

Scott Lang is now sitting in a jail cell after returning the Ant-Man suit and getting arrested.

Officer: Lang, you have a visitor.

Scott: Who?

Officer: Your lawyer.

Scott: My lawyer?

The officer brings Scott to the interrogation room where Hank Pym is sitting.

Hank: Hello Scott. I'm starting to think you prefer the inside of a jail cell.

Scott: Oh, man.

Hank: Sit down.

Scott goes and sits in front of Hank.

Scott: Sir, I'm sorry I stole the suit. I don't even wanna know why you have it.

Hank: Maggie was right about you.

Scott: How do you know about....?

Hank: No wonder she's trying to keep you away from Cassie. The moment things get hard. You turn right back to crime. The way I see it, you have a choice. You can either spend the rest of your life in prison. Or go back to your cell and await further instructions.

Scott: I don't understand.

Hank: No, I don't expect you to. But you don't have many options right now, and quite frankly neither do I. Why do you think I let you steal the suit in the first place?

Scott: What?

Hank: Second chances don't come around all the much. So next time you think you might see one. I suggest you take it a real close look at it.

Hank then stands up and he leaves the interrogation room, leaving Scott to ponder his words.


So I'm still at Hank pun's standing in the kitchen waiting for him to come home.

He also happened to take my phone so I can't call Felicia to let her know that I'm okay.

After a few minutes, I hear the door open and so I walk out and see Hank.

Y/N: It's about time, where have you been?

Hank: Out.

Y/N: Out? Seriously? I mean first you kidnap me.

Hank: I didn't kidnap you.

Y/N: You kidnap me, you put me in pajamas that aren't mine, frankly I don't even wanna know who did the changing. You tell me this plan you have and you don't even want me to be the one who does it. You take my phone, then you leave.

Hank: Wow. You're right. I apologize.

I chuckle at this.

Y/N: Are you gonna let me in on where you've been?

Hank: Judging by the fact the doors been unlocked and no one's forced you to be here, you obviously know you could have left at any time. But you still being here means you wanna help.

Y/N: Of course I do. I just don't trust you.

Hank: Good to know. Follow me.

Y/N: Where are we going?

Hank: You'll see.

Hank leads me into a room behind the wall and it's obviously his secret lab.

Once we get inside I look around.

Y/N: Wow. Tony would be impressed.

Hank: I've made it a point in my life never to trust a Stark.

I see a case over on the table and I walk over to it.

Y/N: What's this?

Hank: Don't touch that.

I look at Hank.

Y/N: Why not?

Hank: Thats for if things go sideways with Lang.

Y/N: Oh.

Hank then sits down.

Hank: We are connecting.

I go and sit down next to him.

Hank then starts talking to Scott and I see how he helped him get out of jail.

Y/N: You broke him out of jail?

Hank: Yes.

Scott: Who are you talking too?

Hank: No one. Just listen to me Scott.

From what I hear Scott passes out, but Hank's ant manages to catch him.

After this, Hank stands up.

Hank: Come on.

Hank starts to walk away so I follow him.

Y/N: Where are we going?

Hank and I walk into the hallway and then I see a man grow.

Y/N: Holy shit!

Hank: That would be Scott. Y/N, please put him in these.

Hank hands me a pair of pajamas.

Y/N: Uh, no. I'm not changing a grown ass man. Why don't you have Hope do it?

Hank: You can fight aliens coming down from the sky but you won't change a man?

Y/N: Damn straight.

Hank: Please.

I groan.

Y/N: You owe me.

Hank then walks away.

I then look down at Scott.

Y/N: I'm an avenger for crying out loud. But yet here I am about to change a man. He better not have pissed himself.

I then pick up Scott and bring him upstairs.

Then I put him in the pajamas and lay him down on the bed.

I hear laughing behind me and turn to see Hope.

Y/N: Are you laughing?

Hope: Nope, no.

She starts laughing again.

Y/N: Your cruel.

Hope: I'm sorry.

I walk out of the room.

Y/N: It's late. So I'm gonna sleep on the couch. Is that okay?

Hope: Yeah, that's fine.

Y/N: You know I still don't trust you and your father.

Hope: Understandable. We did debug you and kidnap you.

Y/N: Yes you did.

Then I head back downstairs and go into the living room and sit on the couch.

I lay back as I yawn and rub my eyes.

I set my hands down and I feel something and I look and see that it's my phone.

I grab it and I was gonna call Felecia but she's probably sleeping.

Y/N: I'll call her soon.

I put my phone on the stand and then lay down.

(A/N: Sorry it took so long to update this story.)

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