Chapter 97: The Phone Call

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(Queens, New York, June 2016, Y/N's Age: 24)


So we've just woken up and see Natasha laying in bed with us.

We get out of bed and go into the bathroom and walk over to the sink.

We turn on the water and splash some on our face.

After this We go back into the bedroom and see Natasha getting dressed.

Y/N: Leaving already?

Natasha: Yeah. I have a busy day today.

Y/N: Okay.

We go over to the bed and sit down.

Natasha: What's wrong with you?

Y/N: God. Not you too.

Natasha: Your just acting very different.

Y/N: I'm fine, Natasha.

Natasha: Are you sure about that?

We stand up and turn to her.

Y/N: Where's this coming from?

Natasha: Where's this coming from? It's coming from the fact that you've barely talked to any of your friends, you barely go out as Spider-Man anymore and leave it to Evander, Miles and MJ. And the only time you talk to me is when you wanna get laid.

We then turn around and walk out of the room.

After a moment or so, Natasha comes out of the room.

Natasha: Well?

Y/N: I don't need to deal with this, Natasha. You wanna go then go otherwise stay and have some coffee.

Natasha: I don't know what's going on with you, Y/N but I hope you figure out sooner or later because at the rate your going you're not gonna have any friends left.

Y/N: Whatever, Natasha.

Natasha scoffs and then leaves the apartment.

Then we see Barry come out of his room.

Barry: Dad, are you okay? Is Natasha okay?

Y/N: Everything's fine Barry. Go get dressed, Jill is gonna be here to get you.

Barry: Why can't we spend the day together? We never do that anymore.

Y/N: You know I can't I'm busy so go get dressed.

Barry: But dad...

Y/N: Go get dressed!

After we yell, Barry runs into his room.

Y/N: Bar....shit.

After a few minutes we go into his room and see him sitting on his bed.

Y/N: We didn't mean to yell.

He doesn't answer me and he grabs his coat and walks past me.

Y/N: Barry.

We follow him as he walks out of the apartment.

Y/N: Barry.

We walk out and see him going into Jills.

Y/N: Barry.

We walk down and knock on the door and then it opens and Jill is standing there.

Y/N: Where is he?

Jill: He doesn't wanna talk to you right now, Y/N.

Y/N: I know.

Jill: I know you're going through something but Barry is your son, Y/N. You're his hero, he talks about you all the time. Don't let him lose that side of you.

We nod.

Jill: I have to go my mom needs me to do something for her. Look Barry is okay here. He's always welcome here and if you want him to stay here for a few days then that's fine.

Jill then closes the door.

My phone rings and we take it out and see that there is a hostage situation.

(Five Minutes Later)

So we've just landed on a rooftop where the other web warriors are at.

Mary Jane: Well look who decided to show up.

MJ laughs.

Mary Jane: Hi, Y/N.

Y/N: What do we got?

Evander: Hostage situation. We've already come up with a plan.

Y/N: I have one. Kick there asses.

We then run and dive off the rooftop.

We then head inside and start taking down the criminals.

After a moment or two, We grab one of them and start punching him.

Mary Jane's POV

After taking down the criminals, we turn and see Y/N punching one of them.

The way he's punching him I knew that he was gonna kill him.

Mary Jane: Y/N, stop. Y/N! You're gonna kill him. Y/N, stop!

I walk over and try to pull him off but he pushes me down.

Evander: Stop!


After we stop we pick him up and throw him towards the others.

We then see Miles, Evander and MJ looking at us.

Y/N: What?

Evander: What the hell was that?

Y/N: What?

Miles: You could have kill him. Look at him.

We look down at the guy.

Mary Jane: Okay, I've let you deal with Felicia and her leaving for a while but this is getting ridiculous. You've changed Y/N and you keep saying you haven't but you have. I'm your friend and I'm here for you but you can't go around and try and kill criminals.

Y/N: I don't need to try, if I was gonna kill him, I'd crush his skull.

We then walk past them.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

So we're now back at the apartment and we go inside and see Cole sitting on the couch.

Y/N: God, not you too.

Cole: Hey, I'm just here to check on my friend. Join me for a beer.

We chuckle and go sit down on the couch.

Cole hands me a beer.

Cole and I then sit there for a few minutes in silence.

Mary Jane's POV

So after what happened with Y/N, I'm now back at the compound thinking about it.

Evander: You know what we have to do right.

I look at Evander and he hands me my phone.

Mary Jane: He's gonna be mad.

Evander: Well maybe it's just what he needs.

Evander then walks away.

After this I look at my phone and dial a number.

???: Hello.

Mary Jane: Hi, Felicia.

Felicia: I shouldn't have sent you my number.

Mary Jane: Look, you need to come back. Y/N, he...

Felicia: Is he okay?

Mary Jane: I don't condone the fact that you left him and Barry but he needs you, Felicia.

Felicia: So Captain Watanabee was right.

Mary Jane: What?

Felicia: She called me two months ago and said he's different. I didn't believe it.

Mary Jane: Will you come?

Felicia: That's the thing. I already am. I'm back in Queens, MJ.

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