Chapter 70: Ant-Man And Spider-Ant Vs. The Yellow Jacket

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Scott and I make it to the rooftop and see Cross getting inside of a chopper.

Cross begins shooting at us which ends up killing Scott's ant.

Scott: Ant-thony!

Scott begins falling but I move down and catch him.

Y/N: You okay?

Scott: I'm good. How are you getting the hang of this so quickly?

Y/N: I paid attention during training. We gotta get that yellow jacket, Ant-Man.

Scott: You got it, Spider-Ant.

Scott and I start laughing.

Y/N: It's got a nice ring to it. Okay, no more messing around.

The chopper begins to go up in the air as Scott and I move up to it and then I jump off and get onto another ant.

Scott and I smash through the windows on both sides and take out the two security guards.

Scott and I get inside the chopper as Cross begins shooting at the two of us.

Darren: Did you think you could stop the future with a heist? And who is this other Ant-Man?

Y/N: Not Ant-Man.

I grow big and punch the other guard and knock him out.

I look at Cross.

Y/N: Spider-Ant.

He starts laughing.

Darren: Spider-Man, I should've known you'd be involved.

I then shrink down when Cross tries to shoot me.

Scott: And it was never just a heist!

After Scott says this, Pym Technologies blows and then shrinks down.

Scott and I then run up to Darren on top of the gun.

Scott: Put the gun down!

Darren hits the two of us as I go flying into the door as Scott falls out of the chopper.

Y/N: Scott!

I see him grow as he hangs onto the chopper.

I crawl over and grow big and help Scott get back inside.

My spider sense then starts going off as I turn around and see Cross wearing the yellow jacket.

Y/N: Holy shit! Can I just say you look so awesome wearing that. I mean the yellow with the black. I mean we're gonna have to take it from you but still you look awesome. I'm almost hesitant to take it from you given how amazing you look.

Darren then tries to blast Scott and I as the two of us shrink down and start evading the blasts.

Scott and I then jump up to Darren and punch him but we get sent down to the seat.

Darren tries to punch the both of us and shrinks down with us.

Scott and I work together to fight Cross as he starts blasting everywhere which causes the chopper to go down.

The three of us end up in the suitcase as it falls out of the chopper.

Darren: I'm gonna disintegrate you!

(A/N: Figured it was right to have this song here. I'll tell you when to stop.)

Scott and I work together once again to take down Darren.

We start moving all around the suitcase as we try to stop him as he blasts around but we dodge them.

I grab a key chain and throw it at Cross but he grabs it and sends it back to me and I catch it.

Then I jump towards him but he punches me and I roll around.

Y/N: This would be so cool if we weren't trying to stop him!

The suitcase ends up falling into a pool.

Darren ends up growing bigger as he gets out of the pool.

He goes to the other side but Scott and I jump at him and punch him through a window.

He goes small as Scott and I land at him.

He grabs the two of us and slams us down and then throws us out of the house and we both regrow.

I groan as I see Cross coming at us and I grab the ping pong stick and hit him and he goes into the flow tron.

Scott then turn to the family.

(A/N: You can stop it here.)

Scott: It's okay.

They scream and run away.

Scott and I stand up and go over to the flow tron.

???: Freeze? Put your hands up!

Scott and I turn and see two detectives standing there pointing their guns at us.

Y/N: Who's this guy?

???: Get them up!

Scott and I open our masks to reveal our faces and then we raise our hands.

???: Scott?

???: Is that Spider-Man?

Y/N: Hi....

Scott: Paxton, you have to listen to me.

The detective tasers Scott.

Y/N: Hey...

The other detective then tasers me and I fall to the ground.

Y/N: Damn you, Spider sense.

He tasers me again.

Y/N: It kinda tickles.

He once again tasers me and this time I pass out.

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