Chapter 6: Mary Jane

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(Two Months Later)


So, it's been about 2 months since I became a superhero, and for the most part it's been going pretty well.

I've been able to balance working at Oscorp and the daily bugle.

Also no one has been able to figure out that it's me under the mask.

Though when it comes to the people of New York, some think I'm a hero doing the right thing, but others think I'm just getting in the way of the police especially Jonah Jameson who is painting me off as a menace in the paper.

The police also wanna arrest me as in their eyes I'm a vigilante but I guess in their case i am a vigilante.

Well anyways right now in the present I am currently chasing a speeding car. Once I make it to the car I land on the hood.

Y/N: Hey guys. It's not nice to shoot and drive.

Criminal: Shoot the freak!

One of the guys then shoots at me but i dodge the bullets.

Y/N: So not cool.

Then the guy goes to shoot me again but I grab his arm and web his body then pull him out of the car.

Then I flip around and land on the windshield and I web the driver and take him out.

Then I drop down and hold onto the car to get it to stop.

Then after I hear I see the cops get out of there car.

Y/N: I better get out of here.

Then I web swing away and head to Oscorp for work.

(Ten Minutes Later)

So, I'm now at Oscorp and I'm also two hours late and I know I'm gonna be in serious trouble.

I get to the lab and Olivia comes over to me.

Olivia: L/N, your late.

Y/N: I know. I'm so sorry my friend had an appointment.

Olivia: That seems to always be the reason these days L/N.

Y/N: Sorry.

Olivia: Well look, Norman Osborn has a new project for us to work on.

Y/N: Us?

Olivia: Yes, congrats. Your promoted.

Y/N: Sweet. Wait this won't be like the last time I was promoted right?

Olivia: No. follow me.

Then Olivia and I go work on Mr Osborn's new project.

After a little while I get hungry and I stand up.

Y/N: I'm gonna go get a burger, would you like one?

Olivia: Sure. No onions.

Y/N: No onions. Coming right up.

(Ten Minutes Later)

So I've just walked out of the diner and I walk down the street as I eat my burger I hear a woman singing a song about the spider sightings around New York.

I smile as it's nice to hear somebody think I'm doing a good job.

I then head back to Oscorp.

When I get there I see Olivia throw a stapler towards me and I catch it.

She turns and sees me.

Olivia: Good. You're back.

Y/N: Uh yeah. I got your burger.

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