Chapter 82: The Web Warriors

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I'm now web swinging to Ottos lab and Cole comes over the comms.

Cole: Y/N, are you okay?

Y/N: I should've seen it Cole. I beat her to easily. She wanted to get inside the raft.

Cole: Hey that doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you stop her. With help.

Y/N: Help?

I turn and see MJ, Miles and Evander swinging towards me.

Y/N: I told them to go back to the compound.

Cole: There your team Y/N. Let them help you.

Y/N: Okay.

Cole: Good. I'll be here if you need anything.

Once we make it towards Otto's lab we see Olivia on the roof with Barry in one of her tentacles.

I land on the roof in front of her.

Olivia: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: Let him go, Olivia.

Then MJ, Miles and Evander land down on the roof with us.

Olivia: I see you've brought friends.

Miles: We're not friends.

Mary Jane: We're...

Evander: The...

Miles: Web Warriors!

Y/N: I like that. That's good.

Miles: Thanks. I came up with it.

Y/N: Nice.

Olivia: Enough!

Y/N: Let him go, Olivia.

Olivia: Oh I will. See Y/N I've been studying you, following you, keeping an eye on those closest to you. And do you know what I've learned?

Y/N: I could care less but I have a feeling your gonna tell me.

Olivia: You save people.

Mary Jane: Hello. It's literally in the job description.

Olivia: You misunderstood. See you Y/N, will do whatever it takes to save this city. Even if it means losing someone you love. Just look at your mother. She died because you wouldn't give her the cure so you could save this precious city.

Y/N: Don't talk about my mother.

Olivia chuckles.

Olivia: So I wonder, Spider-Man. Are you the hero you claim to be? Will you save your precious son? Or will you save the city?

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Olivia: I have bombs set all over the city. And you can't find them. You can search, you can try and figure it out. Or you can save your son. This is the reason heroes fall. At a point in their life their given a choice. Choose the city and let it see another day and allow your son to die or save your son but lose your city. The choice is yours Spider-Man. Because at the end of this, someone will die.

My spider sense begins going off as a smoke bomb goes off.

Y/N: Barry! Barry!

Once the smoke clears, I see Olivia is gone.

Y/N: No. no. No. No.

My mask uncovers as I sit down.

Miles: We can still stop her, Y/N.

Y/N: Why'd she leave him here?

Mary Jane: Who?

Y/N: Felicia! Why didn't she take him with her? Why'd she leave? Why'd she abandoned us? She always does this.

Mary Jane: Y/N, we can't think about that anymore.

MJ comes over and kneels down to me.

Mary Jane: Look at me.

I look at her.

Mary Jane: Felicia left because she doesn't see what a good guy you are and the family you have. She left because despite the love you've given her she doesn't believe she's capable of it. But you, you didn't abandoned Barry. This isn't on you. This is on Felicia. Now you can either sit here and mope around or you can get off your ass and find your son.

My mask comes back over my head as I stand up.

Y/N: MJ, you take downtown. Evander, you take by my apartment. She's been that way so she could've put them near there. I'll have Cole and Tony search for the rest. Miles.

Miles: Yeah?

Y/N: Your with me.

Miles: Really?

Y/N: You're my sidekick, you go where I go. Okay web warriors. Let's save this city all over again.

Mary Jane: We got this.

MJ and Evander leave the rooftop.

Y/N: Cole did you hear all that?

Cole: Already on it, Y/N. It's good to have you back.

Y/N: I never left.

Miles: Where would she go?

I think for a minute.

Y/N: If I was planning on blowing the city up but still watch as my mission is complete. I'd wanna be there to watch but not be in the crosshairs.

Miles: Where would she go to do that?

I run and jump down from the roof.

Y/N: The same place I fought Kingpin the first time.

Miles: The bridge.

Y/N: There's water under it. Maybe she thinks she could escape in the water before it happens. But this is about killing me for what happened Otto. Maybe the bridge is where she wants to see me fall.

Miles: Why?

I turn and look at Miles.

Y/N: Because it's where I became a hero. Let's go.

Miles and I then head off for, I'm hoping to be a final confrontation between me and Lady Ock.

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