Chapter 75: The Black......Cat?

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(Two Days Later)


So it's been two days since I found that space rock and gave it to Tony to examine.

Not much has happened since then but Tony did say he'll let me know if he finds anything on it.

Anyways, right now, I'm at the compound in the gym area watching MJ, Miles and Evander train.

Evander: Man, this is so cool. I know I've done this before but still. It's so cool.

Evander tries to take Miles down but Miles throws him to the ground.

Y/N: Evander, don't get distracted. You could have easily taken Miles down. MJ, hide your face, keep those hands in front of you.

I watch Miles take MJ down.

Miles then starts showing off.

Y/N: And Miles, no showing off.

Miles: Oh come on, Y/N. I just took them both down.

Y/N: Yeah well...You've been training longer than them, okay, guys take five.

I then turn and see Wanda walk inside.

Y/N: Hey, Wanda. Wanna train with them?

Wanda: I'm all right, Y/N.

Y/N: You sure?

Wanda: Yeah, thanks anyways.

Y/N: Okay, how about you and I?

Wanda: What?

Y/N: Oh yeah. I'm serious.

I back up to the mat.

Y/N: Come on.

Wanda: No, I'm good.

Y/N: What are you scared to lose to Spider-Man?

Miles: This is happening?

Mary Jane: Yep.

Wanda: I am not scared.

Y/N: No? Then prove it. Without your powers, take me down.

Wanda: That'll be unfair.

Y/N: For who? You or me?

Wanda chuckles as she walks closer.

Wanda: I'm not gonna fight you.

Y/N: Okay, okay. I get it. Your scared of me. I mean I get it. I have been around longer than you. I'm just more experienced.

Wanda: You really want me to take you down?

Y/N: Yeah. Give it to me.

Mary Jane's POV

Y/N is still baiting Wanda to take her down and it was kinda funny to be honest.

Evander: Take him down, Wanda!

I turn and give Evander a look.

Evander: What? The last time Y/N and I trained together he threw me through a table. It hurt.

I laugh and turn back to Wanda and Y/N.

Suddenly Wanda whips Y/N around and slams him to the ground and sits on top of him.


I groan as I hold my head.

I was actually surprised Wanda was able to do that.

Wanda: I guess next time you won't bait me, will you?

I laugh.

Y/N: Okay, okay, off. Please.

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