Chapter 84: Moments Together

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(One Week Later)


So it's been one week since we stopped Olivia or well she stopped herself I should say.

Barry is safe though he's had a hard time, being taken really affected him.

He's asked for Felicia but I have no idea where she is, and if she's even coming back.

I've just gotten out of the shower and I get dressed.

I head out into Barry's room and see him sitting on his bed.

Y/N: Hey bud.

Barry looks at me.

Barry: Do you think she forgot about me?

I know he's talking about Felicia so I go in and sit down on the bed with him.

Y/N: Your mother could never forget you. Ever. She just...She needs some time by herself.

Barry: Because of me?

Y/N: Never. No. You could never be the reason for her leaving. That's a promise.

Barry: Will you ever leave me?

Y/N: I will never leave you. Ever. I promise you. You're stuck with me.

Barry smiles.

Y/N: Okay, now Jill and her sister are going to get Ice cream. Wanna go with?

Barry: Yeah!

Y/N: Great, get ready.

(Ten Minutes Later)

After Jill takes Barry I go into the kitchen and grab the coffee pot but I see a note from Evander.

Then I remember I haven't even apologized to him for what I said and did with Wanda.

After this I head to the compound.

Once I arrive at the compound and I go inside and see Steve and Sam.

Y/N: Hey.

Steve: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Have you guys seen Evander and Wanda?

Sam: No. Not today.

Y/N: All right. I need your guys help.

Steve: With what?

I smirk.

(Several Hours Later)

Evander's POV

So Steve has called me to tell me he needs to see me at the compound.

When I get there I look around but can't find anyone.

Evander: Hello? Anyone?

I walk inside the gym and see it's been set up to look romantic.

Evander: Of course Y/N is going on another date with Wanda.

I hear footsteps and turn around and see Wanda walk in.

Wanda: Hi Evander.

Evander: Wanda...oh uh...hi...I see that you and Y/N are on another date.

Wanda: Date? No we're not. We agreed to just be friends. Natasha called me, told me to meet her here.

Wanda's eyes widen when she sees it.

Evander: Well I haven't found anyone. So who's date is this?

Wanda: I have no idea.

Evander: Uh, well...I...uh...maybe if you wanted...we could....I don't know...maybe sit down and eat.

Wanda: Are you asking me out?

Evander: Yes. Unless you don't want me to. I can leave.

Wanda chuckles.

Wanda: No. no. Please don't. I'd love to eat here with you in this nicely done romantic gym.

Evander: Great. Cool.

After a moment or so, Wanda speaks up.

Wanda: Are we gonna sit and eat?

Evander: Oh right!

Wanda and I go over to the table with the food and help her sit down.

I turn over and see Y/N standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

He gives a nod as he closes the door.

It's safe to say that this is his apology.

I then sit in front of Wanda for our first date.


I head into the main room and see everyone sitting down and laughing.

Natasha: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey.

Natasha: How'd it go? Did she say yes?

Y/N: She did yes.

Natasha: That's great.

Mary Jane: Yeah, Y/N. That was very nice what you did.

I go sit down with them and Sam hands me a beer.

Y/N: Well I can't take all the credit. Natasha, Steve and Sam helped out.

Natasha: Well I'm just glad she said yes. Evander has been trying to get with her since the moment they met.

I look at Natasha.

Y/N: So where have you been? It seems like it's been forever since we've seen.

Natasha: I've been here, Y/N. You just haven't bothered to talk to me. So...have you talked to Felicia?

Y/N: Please, no. Let's talk about something else. One day without having to talk about my failed love life.

Cole: Well if you don't get back with Felicia. There's plenty of other woman out there.

Y/N: Like I said, let's talk about anything else.

Steve: Agreed.

All of us the start talking and laughing. It's at moments like this where I'm happy I'm Spider-Man. Because if I hadn't become Spider-Man, none of these people would be in my life.

Third Person Perspective

As Y/N is sleeping through the night, he moves around and then finally his eyes open as his suit attaches to his body.

The suit makes Y/N stand up in front of the mirror.

He tilts his head as suddenly the face of suit changes and then half of his mask goes off.

He tilts his head as suddenly the face of suit changes and then half of his mask goes off

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(A/N: That's basically what I mean by that. Just imagine it's Y/N instead of Eddie.)

Y/N's eyes bulge open as the mask comes back over his face.

(A/N: Well that's the end of Spider-Man: Web Of Tentacles. Next up is Captain America: Civil War.)

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