Chapter 36: Fixing The Towers

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So I'm now web swinging and as I'm doing this my phone rings.

???: L/N, where are you? The committee will be here soon! We need to run an equipment check!

Y/N: I'm almost there. Blocks away.

???: Ugh...guess I'll just do it myself.

Y/N: No don't...

Doctor Octavius hangs up.

Y/N: Gotta love docs enthusiasm, but sometimes it gets him into trouble.

I then web swing to Dr. Octavius lab.

(Ten Minutes Later)

So I'm now at the lab and land on the rooftop.

Y/N: Better get in there.

I then change into my regular clothes and after this I walk into the lab.

Y/N: Hey doc. Sorry I'm late... 

I look at Dr. Octavius and see that he's controlling the robotic arm that we've been working on.

After a malfunction happens and it starts a small fire I put it out and then I check on Dr. Octavius. 

I help him stand up. 

Y/N: Hey doc. Are you okay? 

Dr. Octavius: Another setback, but we're close. 

The committee then walks in. 

Committee director: Is anyone hurt? 

Y/N: No, it was my fau... 

Dr. Octavius then interrupts me. 

Dr. Octavius: The energy levels were higher than anticipated. But from a certain view point its a positive development. 

Committee director: It doesn't smell very positive. 

Dr. Octavius: I assure you that in the next phase... 

Committee director: Don't get ahead of yourself. Is there anywhere else we can discuss this? 

Doctor Octavius looks at me. 

Dr. Octavius: Alright Y/N you take the rest of the day off. We'll talk later. 

I nod. 

Y/N: Okay doc. 

I then leave the room.

After leaving the lab I suit up and start web swinging. 

As I'm doing so I get a call for the Yuri.

Yuri: Spider-Man, It's Yuri.

Y/N: Did Fisk make it to Ryker's yet? 

Yuri: Not Rikers. Our boy qualities for the VIP treatment. He's being sent to the Raft. 

Y/N: Ah, so he's joining Scorpion, Electro and the rest. Fisk should be honoured. That's esteemed company.

Yuri: Can you swing by the precinct? Got an issue that could benefit from your unique skill set?

Y/N: For you, Yuri. Anything. I'm on my way.

As I'm web swinging to the precinct, I listen to Jonah's latest podcast and of course he blames me for Fisk.

Then after this, I call Doctor Octavius.

Y/N: Hey doc, I'm sorry if I screwed things up with the committee. 

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