Chapter 32: The Sacrifice Play

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I'm now web swinging towards Stark Tower and I'm being chased by some of the aliens.

As they try to blast me I flip in the air and land on one of them.

I spin it around and kick one of them down and I propel myself onto another one and punch it down.

I spin in the air again and shoot out two web lines and launch myself towards Stark Tower.

I make it and roll on the ground.

Then I stand up and see Natasha with Erik Selvig.

Y/N: So what'd I miss?

Erik: The Tesseract can't fight, but you can't protect against yourself.

Natasha: It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing.

Erik: Actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut their power source.

Y/N: Loki's scepter.

Erik: It may be able to close the portal.

Erik looks down.

Erik: And I'm looking right at it.

I then look down and see the scepter and so i jump down and grab it.

Then I jump back up to the rooftop and hand it to Natasha as we go over to the cube.

Natasha: Guys, we can close the portal.

Natasha puts the scepter up to the cube.

Steve: Do it!

Tony: Wait. I've gotta nuke comin and it's gonna blow in less than three minutes. And I know just where to put it.

I realize what he's talking about as I look up.

Y/N: Tony, pass it to me. I can do it.

Tony: Are you sure?

Y/N: Just make sure your high up.

Steve: L/N, that's a one way trip, you know that right?

Y/N: I know.

I then run back over to the edge of Stark Yower as I shoot out two web lines and pull myself backwards.

Y/N: Talley ho.

Then I launch myself in the air just as Tony passes it to me as I fly up to the portal.

Third Person Perspective

As Y/N continued up the portal with the nuke in his hands, his breathing started to get low and all he could think about was the safety of his family.

With one final force of strength he pushed off the nuke and it went right towards the mother ship and it exploded.

Y/N's closes his eyes as he blacks out and his body falls slowly down to the portal.

His body manages to get to the portal before it closes

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His body manages to get to the portal before it closes.

(One minute before)

Natasha's POV

I look up at the portal in hopes Y/N can make it back before closing the portal.

Natasha: Come on, L/N.

Steve: Close it.

I look at the scepter because Steve was right. I push the scepter into the cube and the portal closes.

Steve's POV

Thor and I are looking at the portal and as it closes I see a figure falling from the portal and I knew it was Y/N.

I chuckle.

Steve: Son of a gun.

We all get worried as Y/N doesn't start slowing down.

Thor: He's not slowing down.

Thor starts to spin his hammer.

Just as Thor was about to take off, Hulk comes flying from out of know where and catches Y/N.

He slides down a building and falls into the street as Y/N's body landed on top of him.

Thor and I run over to Y/N and Thor takes off his mask so he could breathe.

Third person Perspective

Tony and Natasha land on the ground with the others as Y/N laid there unconscious.

They all looked at the ground as he wouldn't wake up.

Then suddenly Hulk started roaring and Y/N instantly was brought back to life.

Y/N: What the hell?


The sound of Hulks roaring instantly made me open my eyes as I see everyone looking down at me.

Y/N: What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.

Steve: We won.

I let out a sigh and put my head back on the ground.

Y/N: All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried Shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.

Thor looks at me.

Thor: We're not finished yet.

Y/N: And then shawarma after.

(Five Minutes Later)

We are now at the top of Stark tower and I go inside with the others and we see Loki wake up and sit himself up.

Loki: If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.

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