Chapter 88: A Team Divided

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(Five Days Later)


So it's been another five days of dealing with what happened in Lagos, and sleeping with Natasha every night.

I'm now sitting in Bruce's old lab when Evander walks in.

Evander: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Why aren't you with Wanda?

Evander: She's talking to Steve. This is terrible.

Y/N: It's life Evander. We just have to deal with it.

Evander: I don't know how you do.

I look up at him.

Y/N: I don't give a fuck that's how. This is the way of being a so called super hero, Evander. It's not all sunshines and rainbows you thought it would be. You lose people. You lose a part of yourselves it's all we can do. So you either deal with it or maybe your not meant to be here. Understand?

Evander: Yeah, I guess. What are you working on?

Y/N: It's...

Before I can reply I see Natasha walk inside the lab.

Natasha: Hey boys. We're having a team meeting.

Y/N: Why?

Natasha: Thaddeus Ross is here.

Y/N: Ugh, here we go.

Natasha: Don't be like that, Y/N.

Y/N: Okay, okay. I'll be right there.

I smile as Natasha walks out of the lab.

Evander: So what are you working on?

Y/N: Nothing. Let's go.

Evander and I then head up to the conference room.

(Five Minutes Later)

The Avengers and I are now sat in the conference room and Ross is standing in front of us.

Ross explains how many people see the avengers as a threat given how many peoples lives were lost during the battle of New York, Washington, Sokovia and more recently Lagos.

He then tells us about the Sokovia accords and that the avengers will be told where to go by the UN panel.

He says that the UN will be meeting in Vienna to agree to the accords.

Ross then goes to leave.

Natasha: And if we come to a decision you don't like?

Ross: Then you retire.

Ross then leaves the compound.

After Ross leaves, we go into the main room and talk about what to do based on what we heard about the accords.

Rhodey: Secretary Ross has a Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have.

Sam: So let's say we agree to this. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common crimals?

Rhodey: 117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and your just like, "No, that's cool. We got it."

Sam: For fucks sake, Rhodes, How long are you going to play both sides?

Rhodey was about to answer when Vision speaks up.

Vision: I have an equation.

Sam: Oh well, this'll clear it up.

Vision then says that the strength and enhanced abilities invites challenges from other people and it brings conflict which in turn leads to catastrophe.

Rhodey: Boom.

Natasha: Tony, your both being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal.

Steve: It's because he's already made up his mind.

Tony: Oh, you know me so well. I'm actually nursing a headache. That's all it is Cap, pain and discomfort.

Tony then gets up to get a cup of coffee and he pulls put his phone and shows us an image of a young man.

Tony: Oh, that's Charles Spencer by the way. He's a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA and had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Amsterdam like I would have wanted to do. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for people oh, in guess where, in Sokovia.

We all realize that Charles Spencer was there the day we fought Ultron.

Tony: He wanted to make a difference I suppose but we'll never know as we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.

Tony comes closer to us.

Tony: There's no decision process making here. We need to be put in check and whatever form that takes I'm game. If we can accept limitations, if we're boundary-less than we're no better than the bad guys.

Steve: Tony, if someone dies on your watch you don't give up.

Tony: Who says we're giving up?

Steve: We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame.

Rhodey: I'm sorry Steve, but that's dangerously arrogant. This is the UN, we're talking about. It's not S.H.I.E.L.D., it's not HYDRA.

Steve: Yeah, but this thing, this document is run by people with agendas and agendas can always change.

Tony then walks over to us.

Tony: That's good. When I found out what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.

I look at Tony.

Steve: But you chose to do that Tony. We sign this we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don't wanna go? What if there's somewhere we need to go and they don't let us go? We may not be perfect but the safest hands our still our own.

Tony: If we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later on.

Wanda: You mean they'd come for me.

Evander: We won't let that happen.

Mary Jane: I think we should do. Signing the accords may be the best way to go.

Cole: Agreed. Y/N, what do you think? You've been very quiet.

I groan as I stand up.

Y/N: Fuck that shit. I'm not signing it. I don't do the whole "Government puppet thing."

Cole: But Y/N, this accords could be the way we fix all this.

Y/N: Im not doing it, Cole.

Natasha: Maybe Tony's right.

Y/N: Seriously?

I scoff and sit back down.

Natasha: I'm reading the terrain, Y/N.

Sam: Aren't you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a couple years back?

Natasha: I'm just saying, we've made so many public mistakes, maybe this is how we earn the peoples trust back.

Tony: Hold on, I coulda sworn you just agreed with me.

Natasha: Oh believe me now I wanna take it back.

Tony: No, no. You can't take it back. Case closed, I win.

Then everyone starts arguing and then Steve stands up and leaves.

Then I start to walk away.

Evander: Y/N, where are you going?

Y/N: Anywhere but here.

Then I leave the compound so I don't have to hear more about this dumb ass accords.

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