Chapter 35: End Of An Era

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(Queens, New York, February, 2014, Y/N's Age: 22)


So I've just woken up to my alarm on my phone and after a few seconds I realize that today is the day Fisk is gonna be arrested.

Y/N: Yes!

I then get out of bed and throw two pieces of toast into the toaster.

I get changed into my suit as I try to eat.

Once I finish changing into my suit, I hear a knock on my door and the a paper slides under it.

I see that it's an eviction notice. I haven't really had money lately since I left the bugle and working with Otto, money hasn't really come in.

I decide to not think about this and then I run and dive out my window and start web swinging.

As I'm web swinging I decide to call Yuri just to make sure they haven't taken him down without me.

Yuri: Captain Watanabe?

Y/N: Have you taken him down yet?

Yuri: No, we're at Fisk Tower. We're waiting for the warrant.

Y/N: Mind if I join the fun?

Yuri: You know how his lawyers are. This one goes by the books.

Y/N: Come on Yuri, I've been waiting four years for this.

Yuri: You really wanna help? Head to Time Square. Sounds like his guys are trying to keep my backup from reaching the scene.

Y/N: You got it. Almost there.

I then hang up and swing to Time Square.

(Five Minutes Later)

So after helping the officers at Times Square I go to Fisk Tower and see cops and Fisk's men shooting at each other.

As I get closer I stick to the side of a van near where Yuri is at behind cover. 

Y/N: Yuri, Are you okay?

Yuri: Yeah, but if Fisk makes it out of that building we're gonna lose him. 

Y/N: Okay, I'm gonna go and... 

Yuri looks around and then at me. 

Yuri: Do your thing. 

Y/N: Yes!! 

I web zip over to the tower. 

Y/N: Today's the day Willie. 

I web swing in and I take Fisk's men down that were on the roof.

Then i web swing to the lobby and find more officers and Fisk's men shooting at each other.

Y/N: Alright officer's I'll clear a path so just follow me.

Officer #1: We're right with you Spider-Man. 

I then fight through Fisk's men and clear the lobby so the officer's can go up. 

The officer's use the stairs and I take the elevator shaft. 

Yuri calls me and tells me to head to the server room as Fisk's men are trying to wipe any data that can be used to Fisk behind bars. 

Y/N: Okay, Yuri I'm on it. 

After fighting through some more of Fisk's men I find a vent and sneak into the sever room. 

I land in the sever room. 

Y/N: Is this tech support? I forgot my password. 

They begin shooting at me, but I dodge their bullets and take the four of them down. 

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