Chapter 33: "They'll Be Back"

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Third Person Perspective

It has been four days since the attack on New York City and four days since the avengers won and beat Loki.

Now Nick Fury must answer to the world secret council and they are all currently watching news reports about the aftermath.

Some people are thankful for the avengers of New York, while some feel it's their fault.

Then there are a few who believe that the so called avengers are a threat.

After the reports are over, Nick Fury crosses his arms at the council.

Councilman 1: Where are the avengers?

Nick: I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence.

Councilwoman: And the tesseract?

Nick: The tesseract is where it belongs. Out of our reach.

Councilman 1: That's not your call.

Nick: I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god that did.

Councilman 1: So, you let him take it and the war criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crime.

Nick: Oh, I think he will be.

Councilwoman: I don't think you understand what you've started, letting the avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous.

Nick: They surely are, and the whole world knows it. Every world knows it.

Councilman 1: Was that the point of all this? A statement?

Nick: A promise.

The council meeting ended and Nick left the room.

(Queens, New York)


Once getting to Park Avenue and putting the Tesseract in a chamber of sorts.

Thor and Loki grab both ends and teleport away back to Asgard.

After saying goodbye to the other Avengers I go over to Steve who was sitting in his car.

Y/N: Captain, it was a pleasure fighting with you.

I shake his hand.

Steve: Likewise kid.

Y/N: So what will you do now?

Steve: I'm not sure. I'll find something to keep me busy.

I chuckle at this.

Steve: What about you? What does the Ultimate Spider-Man do in his free time?

Y/N: I'll figure out something.

Tony: Hey, Kid.

I turn and see Tony standing at his car.

Tony: Remember what I told you.

Y/N: I got it, Stark.

He nods and then gets in his car with Bruce.

I then look back at Steve.

Y/N: It's like I said, I'll find something.

I shake Steve's hand again as I step back and watch him drive away.

Then I put my sunglasses on as I walk over to my motorcycle.

I get on it and smile.

I then drive away.

(One hour later)

Third Person Perspective

Nick and Maria were on the helicarrier and they walk onto the bridge.

Maria: Sir, how does it work now? They've gone their separate ways. Some, pretty extremely far. If we get into a situation like this again, what happens then?

Nick: They'll come back.

Maria: Are you really sure about that?

Nick: I am.

Maria: Why?

Nick: Because we"ll need them to.

Maria then walks away from Fury as Fury looks out at the clouds confident that one day.

The Avengers will return.


I'm now at the Stark Tower with Tony and Pepper as I'm gonna be helping Tony with a project.

As I'm sitting at the desk working, I hear sirens and I turn and look at Tony.

He nods.

Then I stand up as i go and change into my suit and after coming back out I look at Pepper and Tony.

They both nod and then I run and dive off Stark Tower as I start web swinging towards the sirens.

They both nod and then I run and dive off Stark Tower as I start web swinging towards the sirens

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(Just imagine its Y/N in his suit.)

Y/N: Wooohoo!

I smirk under my mask as I know that things are gonna be even more interesting from now on.

(Well that's the end of Avengers. Next up is the Spider-Man Ps4 Video Game Arc.)

𝔘𝔩𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔖𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯-𝔐𝔞𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔱 𝔛 𝔐ℭ𝔘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now