Chapter 94: Team Up

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After we go into the base we head through, then we hear a bang from behind us.

We quickly turn and Bucky points his gun at the door.

Steve: You two ready?

Bucky: Yeah.

Y/N: Yep.

The doors open and we see Tony in his armor come through the door.

As he comes closer Tony retracts his helmet.

Tony: You guys seem a little defensive.

Cap and I walks forward.

Steve: Well, it's been a long day.

Stark looks up at Bucky who's covering Steve and I from the steps.

Tony: At ease soldier, I'm not currently after you.

Y/N: Then what are you doing here Tony?

Tony: Well, it turns out your story isn't so crazy, Charlotte. Ross has no idea I'm here and I'd like to keep it that way.

Tony leans against the wall.

Tony: Otherwise I've gotta arrest myself.

Cap lowers his shield.

Steve: Well, that sounds like alot of paperwork. It's good to see you Tony.

Tony: You too Cap.

Tony then shakes his head.

Tony: Hey, Manchurian Candidate you're killing me here. This is a truce here, you can drop it.

Bucky reluctantly drops his gun.

After that the four of us go through the base, while Tony tell us what he learned.

We make our way into the main room and see that the super soldiers are gone.

Y/N: Where are they?

We look around we see empty cryo chambers.

We then hear a voice.

Zemo: If it's any comfort, they were gone when I got here.

Bucky: What the hell?

Zemo: I'm grateful to them though. They brought you here.

A light then turns on and we see Zemo hiding behind a huge door.

Cap throws his shield but it bounces off the door.

Zemo: Please Captain. The Soviets built this door to withstand a blast of UR-100 rockets.

Tony: I'm betting I could beat that.

Zemo: I'm sure you could Mr. Stark. Given time.

We walk up and come face to face with Zemo.

Steve: You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?

Zemo: I've thought of nothing else for over a year.

Steve walks over to the door and talks to Zemo.

As this is happening my spider sense starts to go off. We knew that something was going to happen.

I look around for anything out of place. I then look at Bucky.

A figure then jumps down from above.

Y/N: Watch out!

I run over and push Bucky out of the way and the two of us roll on the ground and onto our knees.

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