Chapter 116: Sight Of Destiny

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So we're now on Asgard and Thor is gonna go and draw Hela away while Valkyrie, Bruce and I get everyone off Asgard.

Thor puts a weapon from the armory inside as Valkyrie and I stand up.

Valkyrie: Your majesty.

Thor looks at us.

Y/N: Don't die.

Valkyrie: What he said.

Bruce then flies us up into the air. After this we fly away.

Once we're high enough Valkyrie and I put the weapon together, Valkyrie also changes into her armor which Thor gave her.

I look at her.

Y/N: We got this, right?

She shrugs her shoulders.

Valkyrie: We're not dead yet.

I chuckle at this as my mask covers my face.

After more minutes we make it to the bifrost and see a large wolf running towards the Asgardian's.

Y/N: Am I high or is that a wolf?

Valkyrie: It's a wolf.

Y/N: Alright then.

Valkyrie starts shooting at it.

I shake my head.

Y/N: I should've stayed in Sakaar.

I then lower the ramp.

Valkyrie: What are you doing?

Y/N: About to die. Doctor, I may need a little help.

Valkyrie: What?

Bruce then comes over to me.

Bruce: You'll see.

Bruce then dives out of the ship.

I smirk.

Y/N: It's gonna be fun.

Then I drop down and land on the bridge and see Bruce on the ground.

Y/N: Come on, dude. I need my best friend.

Bruce: Huh?

Y/N: Oh uh, hulk. I need hulk.

Bruce then turns into hulk and grabs the wolf by its tail and throws it backwards.

Hulk then roars as the wolf.

It runs at us and I jump over it and land on the ground.

The wolf then takes Hulk off the bridge.

Y/N: Hulk!

I look up and see our ship malfunctioning.

Y/N: Valkyrie!

I then see everyone fighting and I run in and join the fight.

As I'm doing this, I hear Loki's voice.

Loki: Your savior is here.

I then see a ship come out of the mist.

I run and take down a few men and run over to Loki.

Loki: Ah, Y/N. Good to see you again.

Y/N: Uh, right.

I look to the side of him.

Loki: This is Heimdall.

Y/N: Hi.

Loki and I turn.

Y/N: I take it there who were fighting?

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