Chapter 31: Battle Of New York

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(Upstate New York)


Thor and I are now in Upstate New York and he lands us on Stark Tower.

Loki is standing looking out at the city as there is aliens attacking.

Thor: Loki!

Loki turns to us.

Thor: Turn off the tesseract or I'll destroy it.

Loki: You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war.

Y/N: So be it.

Loki jumps down to us and Thor and I start teaming up against him.

Loki tries hitting me with his scepter and I suck underneath it and punch him In the gut.

He then grabs me and throws me off Stark Tower as I start falling through the air.

Y/N: Holy shit!

I shoot out a web line and catch myself as I land on the ground.

I then hear Natasha come over the comms.

Natasha: Stark, we're on your three, headed northeast.

Tony: Swing up park. I'm gonna lay them out for you. And Spidey, maybe it's time for you to join the party.

I chuckle as I start running.

Y/N: Spidey. Huh, that's gonna catch on.

Then as I'm running one of the aliens attacks me and takes me up in the air with it.

I begin shooting my webs at its face as we crash into the side of the building.

I then get on top of it as I spin it around.

Y/N: Whoo! This is kinda fun.

It throws me off but I manage to shoot out another web line that attaches to the alien and I spin in the air and take it down to the ground.

Then I look up in the sky and see the Quinjet.

I then start running as I make my way towards it.

But as I turn the corner a few aliens come at me as I start taking them down.

After taking down two of them i turn around and the third one slams into me and I go flying through a glass window.

I crash through at least three walls until I finally fall to the ground.

Y/N: Ow. That's definitely gonna leave a mark.

I get back up and make my way to the others.

(Five Minutes Later)

So I've just made it to the others as I take down one of the aliens and land down next to them.

Steve: What's the story upstairs?

Thor: The power surrounding the cube was is impenetrable.

Tony: Thor's right. We got to deal with these guys.

Natasha: How do we do this?

Steve: As a team.

Thor: I have unfinished business with Loki.

Clint: Yeah? Well, get in line.

Steve: Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to...

Steve stops when we hear a motorcycle and we turn and see Bruce on one.

We all walk towards him.

Bruce: So, this all seems horrible.

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