Chapter 67: Recruiting Scott

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(The Next Day)


So after waking up I go into the dining room and see that Scott is now talking to Hank.

I lean against the doorway as Hope walks past me.

Scott: I just have one question. Who are you? Who is she? What the hell is going on? Why is Spider-Man standing in your doorway and can I go back to jail now?

Hank: Oh where are my manners? Scott, this is Y/N L/N, Y/N this is Scott Lang, the man I told you about.

I walk over to the table and hold my hand out.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you, Scott.

He shakes my hand.

Scott: Right. Hi.

Hank: Come with me.

Scott and I follow Hank down to his lab.

Hank tells Scott and I about the Ant-Man suit.

Hank: It was too dangerous. So I hid it from the world.

Hank puts the suit on the table.

Hank: And that's when I switched gears and I started my own company.

Scott: Pym Tech.

Hank: Yes. I took on a young protege called Darren Cross.

Y/N: Darren Cross. He's a big deal.

Hank: But before he was a big deal, he was my assistant. I thought I saw something in him. The son I never had, perhaps.

Hank then tells us that Cross conspired to have him voted out of his company after he discovered the Pym Particle.

Scott: How could he do that?

Hank: The boards chairman is my daughter, Hope.

Y/N: Damn.

Hank: She was the deciding vote but she came back to me when she saw how close Cross was to cracking my formula. The process is highly volatile. If one isn't protected by a specialized helmet. It can affect the brains chemistry. I don't think Darren realizes this. And you know he's not the most stable to begin with.

Scott: So, what do you want from me?

Hank goes and stands in front of Scott.

Hank: Scott, I believe that everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Do you?

Scott: I do.

Hank looks at me.

Hank: What about you, Y/N?

Y/N: Of course everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

Hank: If you can help me, I promise I can help you be with your daughter again. Now, are you ready to redeem yourself?

Scott: Absolutely. My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are done. You still haven't answered my second to last question.

Hank: And what's that?

Scott: Why is Spider-Man standing next to me?

Hank chuckles.

Hank: Spider-Man will be your back up and my back up in case things go sideways.

Y/N: Yeah because I guess that's all I'm good for now a days is just being the back up.

Scott: Right, uh okay. I'm ready. What do you want me to do?

Hank: I want you to break into a place and steal some shit.

After this, Hank shows Scott and I a file of Mitchell Carson, the ex-head of defense at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hank then tells Scott and I that unless the yellow jacket can be stolen and the data destroyed then Cross will unleash chaos in the world.

Scott: I think our first move should be Y/N calling the avengers.

Hank scoffs and stands up from the computer.

Hank: I spent half my life trying to keep this technology out of the hands of a Stark. I'm sure as hell not gonna hand deliver to one now.

Y/N: Hanks gotta point. I love Tony but  he does have an ego the size of Atlantis.

Hank: Thank you, Y/N. Look Scott this is not some cute technology like the Iron-Man suit. This could change the texture of reality.

Hank walks over to Scott and I.

Hank: Besides, they're probably too busy dropping cities out of the sky.

Y/N: Hey!

Hank looks at me.

Hank: No offense.

I shrug my shoulders.

Y/N: We did do that.

Scott: Okay, then why don't you just send the ants?

I laugh and Scott looks at me.

Y/N: Scott, they're ants.

Hank: Ants can do a lot of things but they still need a leader. Somebody that can infiltrate a place that's designed to prevent infiltration.

Scott: Hank, I'm a thief, All right? I mean, why don't you just send Spider-Man? He's sitting in the room and he's an avenger.

Y/N: Hey, I asked the same thing but he says I'm not qualified whatever the hell that means.

Hank: No, no. It must be you, Scott. Your the one who must wear the suit.

After a few more minutes, Hank and Hope start arguing which causes Hope to leave the room.

Hank then sits down at his computer.

Scott: She's right, Hank. I'm not your guy. Why don't you wear the suit?

Hank sighs.

Hank: You think I don't want to? I can't.

Y/N: Why not?

Hank: I spent years wearing it. And it took a toll on me.

Scott and I go over and sit next to Hank.

Hank sighs.

Hank: Scott, you're our only option. Before Hope lost her mother,  she used to look at me like I was the greatest in the world. And now she just looks at me and there's just disappointment. It's too later for me. But not for you. This is your chance. The chance to earn that look in your daughters eyes. To become the hero that she already thinks you are. It's not about saving our world. It's about saving theirs.

After a moment of silence, Scott speaks up.

Scott: Damn. That was a good speech.

Y/N: I know right. Wow. I think I'm holding back tears.

Hank: Scott, We need you to be the Ant-Man.

Scott: I'll do it.

Hank: Great! Tomorrow we start training.

Hank then gets up and leaves the room.

Then I look at Scott.

Y/N: You hungry?

Scott: Yeah.

Y/N: Do you like hamburgers?

Scott: Who doesn't like hamburgers?

I laugh and pat Scott on the shoulders.

I then go out to get Scott and I some hamburgers.

Though I still wasn't sure about the idea of Scott being Ant-Man. He wasn't a hero, he was just a criminal.

Then again I did say that everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

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